Boris Johnson lost the majority in the British Parliament for his hard Brexit


Philip Lee announced that he would change the bench and just started the session Tuesday in Westminster. He got up, went through the compound and he sits in his new position among the legislators of the Liberal Democratic Party.

He had resigned hours before being part of the "Tory" bloc because the executive, he said, "endangers lives and homes without risk and without risk to the integrity of the United Kingdom ".

Johnson's goal, which took office after the failure of Theresa May's campaign, is that the United Kingdom leaves the European Union on October 31st it comes, with or without trade agreements, customs and borders.

Opposition lawmakers will try to stop Johnson's "hard Brexit" despite Prime Minister could call early parliamentary elections if the boycott in the House of Commons (MPs) thrives.

"In more general terms, Johnson's strategy harms the economy, democracy and the country's role in the world, in addition to using political manipulation, harbadment and lies and doing all this deliberately and intentionally, "said Lee, who has been representing Bracknell since 2010.

At the same time, Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn summoned Queen Elizabeth II for an "urgent" meeting to neutralize Johnson's plans, which he said would deprive the electorate of the government of the day. their representatives report to the government. "

The Labor Party also wrote to 116 "Tories" and independent MPs, including May and former head of the Philip Hammond Economics Department, to whom he asked for his support to support mechanisms that cancel a steep exit from the block.

But the alternative of a burgeoning anti-"Brexit hard" project is largely limited by the limited deadlines imposed by Johnson himself, who managed to get the queen to sign the suspension of parliamentary proceedings from 12 September at the most. late at the latest. October 14


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