Boris Johnson nearly drowned in the sea while on vacation in Scotland


English newspaper The Times reported that a year ago Boris Johnson went sailing and drowned.

English newspaper The Times reported that a year ago Boris Johnson went sailing and drowned.

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, nearly drowned while on vacation in Scotland in August last year, The Times newspaper reported on Sunday.

Johnson’s last trip, in which he rented a three-bedroom country house on Scotland’s Applecross Peninsula for a week, was cut short days after it began when its location leaked to media.

However, the holidays were even more disastrous than you might think after an incident which saw the prime minister washed awayBritish media reported.

Vacationing in the Highlands with his wife Carrie Symonds and his son Wilfred, Johnson went out to sea in a rowboat or dinghy and lost control of the situation.

He almost drowned. The current carried him away. He was pushed by the waves and found himself going further and furtherA source told The Times, as reported by the Ansa news agency.

When Johnson disappeared, his escort considered sending a helicopter to search for him.

However, apparently the Prime Minister managed to row back to shore, reaching the halfway point, before bodyguards managed to reach him.

“It was fine in the end, but it could have been a disaster,” the source added. Downing Street declined to comment.

The revelation over the disastrous Scottish holiday came after another shameful affair Johnson became involved in.

The British Prime Minister has reportedly been close to an official several times who tested positive for Covid-19 after flying with Scotland in recent days.

However, Downing Street said the Prime Minister, who spends the weekend at the official residence in the prime ministers’ area, has not considered close contact with the person in question and has not isolated himself.


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