Boris Johnson, the new British prime minister


Former London minister and former mayor Boris Johnson has been elected to lead the Conservative Party and will be the successor to Theresa May as head of the British government, a position he will badume tomorrow.

Johnson was the most voted by his co-religionists in each phase of the internal pulse, which involved about 160,000 members, and in the last round, the current Foreign Minister, Jeremy Hunt, imposed conservative sources.

Goodbye may, hello Johnson

The outgoing Prime Minister, May, in office since June 7, will definitively leave Downing Street tomorrow after resigning as Prime Minister last June, when Parliament rejected the Brexit agreement, as said the United Kingdom, is expected to come out of the European Union (EU), negotiated by London and Brussels.

The Johnson government will now have until October 31 to give the green light to the deal or to prepare for an exit from the EU without agreement.

According to data released today, Johnson garnered 92,153 votes against 46,656, while voter turnout was 87.4%, reported the EFE agency.

After being named Conservative leader in flagrante delicto at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center, in front of the Westminster Parliament (London), Johnson thanked May for the "service" dedicated to the group and the UK.

In a very brief speech, the new Conservative leader badured that he would "unite" the UK, which would "give him energy" and a spirit to get things done, and thanked "the extraordinary honor and privilege" offered by the supporters

Tomorrow, the official ceremony will take place during his visit to Buckingham Palace, where he will formally resign from Queen Elizabeth II and inform him that his party has a new leader.

Later, Johnson will travel to Buckingham for the traditional audience with the head of state before settling in the Downing Street residence and appointing his ministers.

Support messages

Outgoing UK Prime Minister Theresa May congratulated Boris Johnson on his victory in the Conservative Party primary elections, while expressing his "full support" for "a Bexit that works for the whole of the UK".

"Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his election as head of the Conservative Party," the head of government wrote on his official Twitter account.

"We now have to work together to get a Brexit that works for the whole UK and prevent Jeremy Corbyn from being part of the government, and you will have my full support in Parliament," he added.

May, who has been acting since June 7, will leave Downing Street on Wednesday, when Johnson takes office as the new prime minister.

The Prime Minister resigned after the Parliament rejected up to three times the agreement on Brexit negotiated by London and Brussels. The new government has until October 31 to give the green light to the agreement or to prepare for a chaotic exit.


US President Donald Trump on Tuesday congratulated former British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson on his election as head of the Conservative Party, while predicting he would be a "big" British Prime Minister.

"Congratulations to Boris Johnson for becoming the UK's new prime minister," the US president said in a message posted on his personal Twitter account. "He will be great!" He added.

Trump reacted in this way a few minutes after the Conservative Party 's proclamation of the head of training to Boris Johson after being forced into a primary process for the current British Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt.

Johnson will take office on Wednesday as Prime Minister, relieving Theresa May at the head of the London government in a crucial phase of Brexit, October 31 being the date of the beginning of the process of exit of the European Union after its completion. the last extension granted by Brussels.


Last June, on the occasion of the anniversary of Rodrigo Bueno's death, Boris became a fan of the singer. This is not the case Various media, included The voice– wrongly – they misinterpreted the version that appeared on Twitter after a note in the famous British media The times where they made a cultural profile of possible candidates for prime ministers.


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