Boris Johnson: "The United Kingdom will leave the EU together" | Chronic


At the last moment, the government of Boris Johnson and the European Union (EU) has announced a second agreement on Brexit, which has been approved by all bloc members, but all indications are that it is about to fail in the UK Parliament this Saturday.

"This means that the United Kingdom will leave the united European Union: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all together – and that means we can decide our future together.", said the Prime Minister at the announcement of the agreement.

READ MORE: <a href = " Brexit-20191017-0038.html "target =" _ blank ">The EU has approved an agreement with the UK for Brexit

This second agreement between a UK government and the EU to order the country's exit from the regional bloc replaces the most contested part of the previous text: the so-called Irish safeguard, which postponed until later, without any specific deadline , the political and economic definition of the border of the Irish island, between the Republic of Ireland – member of the EU – and the British region of Northern Ireland.

Under the new agreement, the entire United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland, will leave the EU Customs Union so that London can sign a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom. ;other countries.

This means that there will be a customs border between Northern Ireland and Ireland but, to avoid violating peace agreements ending the armed conflict in that region, the controls will be in practice carried out between Great Britain and the island of Ireland, in the ports of Northern Ireland.

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Importers will not have to pay duties, at least automatically, for products coming from Northern Ireland and entering Northern Ireland. However, when this product is likely to be "transported" to the Republic of Ireland, a fee will be paid.

As in practice, Northern Ireland will be separated from the rest of the UK and tied to the EU's trade rules, the deal gives the Northern Ireland Autonomous Authority the power to to vote on these rules.

In announcing this new agreement, Johnson was optimistic that British MPs "They will approve it on Saturday", which will allow "The United Kingdom concretizes Brexit in a democratic way and leaves the EU on October 31", reported the EFE news agency.

However, the bench that all analysts see as the key to gaining support from the British Parliament has already announced that it would not vote for it.

"We will not be voting for this Saturday, but Saturday is not the end – it is not even the beginning.", he assured Sky News channel Arlene Foster, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), a minority partner of Johnson's Conservative government.

In parallel, the MPP of the DUP Sammy Wilson He said his bank of ten legislators will not abstain, but will vote against, according to the newspaper The Guardian.

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Opposition party benches will not support the agreement promoted by the Johnson government. "This agreement will not reunite the country and must be rejected", condemned the leader of the opposition, the Labor Party Jeremy Corbynbefore the press.

Parliament will meet and vote on Saturday, which is unusual. But time is running out because MEPs themselves have passed a law stating that if a Brexit deal is not approved before midnight on Saturday, the Prime Minister is obliged to ask for a further extension of the EU. would eliminate the date of October 31st.


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