Bought a packet of potato chips and found an unexpected surprise | the Chronicle


A woman in Cadiz, Spain, he prepared to eat the fries of the package I bought when found something strange inside: a pair of glasses.

Her daughter, Paula Payan |, posted the story on his personal Twitter account (@ paulapayan123) this week and broadcast images from different angles as a test.

Soon its post went viral and even reached the company, Cortijo del Olivar, who answered in another post on the same social network.

Hi! First of all, we apologize. Our fries are so delicious because they have a pixie! The glasses are from Manolito, we will try to send you a picture of him and a box of our products. Without his glasses he sees nothing but you will appreciate our potatoes“They commented from the official potato chip brand account.

The young woman accepted the apology and granted an interview with the director of the company, Álvero Sánchez, for the local channel Andalusia Direct. “My mother went to buy normal at the supermarket and When he goes to eat it in the evening, he takes it and says to me ‘Paula, I was going to eat the potatoes, but isn’t that those glasses?», He told in front of the cameras.

As Sánchez explains, the owner of the lenses is a worker who repaired one of the packaging machinesor the company. Since she does not usually wear her glasses, she did not realize that they had fallen. “We will try to make things better so that this does not happen again», Assured the manager, who later gave Paula a box with packets of chips.


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