Brad Pitt, furious because Angelina Jolie "locks up" the divorce


The separation of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie takes a while, but the divorce has not yet taken effect. The actress would put obstacles in for the same to be solved and finally everyone can remake his life.

It appeared that the final settlement agreement of badets acquired at the time when the actors were united by a husband-wife couple, of a total amount of $ 400 million, was pending.

"(Brad Pitt) has been incredibly patient throughout the divorce process, although he has been pushed to the extreme on many occasions," revealed a close actor of The Sun.

She added: "But she has finally had enough and, although she is a relatively calm person, she is now tired and disgusted to change her date and stop getting divorced month after month." Angelina ".

For this reason, Brad Pitt exploded and sent his ex-wife an ultimatum to sign the divorce papers. But there is still no solution in sight.


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