Brancatelli "revealed" what the candidacy of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner will look like


Diego Brancatelli He has never hidden his pbadion for the Kirchner administration that ruled the country from 2003 to 2015, let alone his contempt for the government of Mauricio Macri and change.

From his Twitter account, the historical panelist Intratables He shared a curious image that, if it were true, would be one of his biggest dreams: he is listed on the ballot next to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

"We finally knew …", The comedian Brancatelli commented on the vote that places the former president as a candidate for the presidency and positions him as his candidate for vice-presidency in the general elections of October 27, 2019.

However, in the past few hours, the journalist has also criticized the political movement that he represents. In dialogue with Infobae, said that Kirchner was very ungrateful with him and that they had never appreciated his loyalty and that he had been hurt because they had never appreciated that. "he put his face several times unjustly by several people"

True to his style, he was also charged with shooting against Macrismo, and more particularly against his constituents. "If you had voted Macri once, you might have been wrong. If with these three years, it was not enough that you realize, you are already a bad personhe condemned.

A few months ago, Diego played a leading role in a scandal at a popular shopping in the North Zone, thus making a round trip with people present. A man told him that he was a Kirchner bin and that he was going to buy the villa while he was recording them with his mobile phone. This episode earned him a severe criticism of Alfredo Casero, fervent defender of the management of change.

Source: Exitoína

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