Brandoni summoned a march to defend Macri


The actor Luis Brandoni has called for the march for "the Republic" on Saturday, August 24, somehow supporting President Mauricio Macri after the looming electoral defeat at Paso. Visibly excited, the former radical legislator from Buenos Aires exclaimed: "We have lost the Republic many times, not yet."

The video was released Wednesday in Madrid, where the actor is currently following his participation in the film "The Odyssey of the Giles".

"We are worried, but not defeated, quite the contrary.There is still much to do.For the moment, Saturday, we are going in the streets and squares of the country," said the actor, recalling the march of the April 1st. 2017

To integrate

Throughout the minute of the video, Brandoni said the call was "to show and show that we are far more likely to want a republican, democratic and decent country". He added: "We must prepare for October 27, with prosecutors at all tables convinced and safe."

"We have already lost the republic several times, not yet," he continued, visibly excited. Hugs and long live the homeland, "he concluded.


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