Brazil: 58 dead and more than 300 missing due to the collapse of a dam


Sunday afternoon, the Brazilian authorities have updated the number of deaths and disappearances already accumulated by the mining disaster in the city of Brumadinho, in the state of Minas Gerais. 58 people lost their lives as a result of the collapse of a dam containing mineral waste from Vale SA, the largest iron producer in the world. Another 300 are missing and 24,000 were evacuated before the imminent danger of breaking a second dam containing water.

The residents of Brumadinho, in the mining state of Minas Gerais, have been informed house by house and by loudspeakers: "Attention, general evacuation of the area.Search for the highest place in the city.Emergency evacuation Look for the highest place in the city. "

Firefighters drained the dam containing about a million liters of water and this triggered the alarm. They are thus seeking to reduce the risk that a second disaster will occur in the iron mine Córrego de Feijão.


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