Brazil: 79% of the population consider that …


Brazil has once again surpassed its threshold for daily covid-19 infections. The current epicenter of the pandemic recorded this Friday more than 90,570 cases in addition to the more than 11 million confirmed coronaviruses. According to the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health, also The number of people who have died from covid-19 has increased in the past 24 hours with more than 2,815 dead. This is the second highest figure after 2,841 deaths last Tuesday. In total, Brazil has already exceeded 290,000 victims. It is also the second country with the most infections and deaths from the virus, led by the United States.

A survey by the Datafolha institute reveals that 79% of the Brazilian population consider the pandemic in the country to be “out of control”. While a 82% say they are afraid of being a victim of covid-19. 18% of Brazilians think the situation is partially controlled and 2% say it is fully controlled. In March, Brazil was responsible for one in four deaths from coronavirus worldwide. The same investigation revealed that 56% of the population considers that Jair Bolsonaro does not have the conditions to lead the country.

The data was published in the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. The investigation records the collapse left by the second wave of coronavirus in the country. Experts attribute the increase in infections and deaths to crowds during the holiday season. Among these infections is the new P1 variant which emerged in November in Manaus, the state capital of Amazonas. A A report from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) noted that the pandemic caused the biggest health and hospital collapse in Brazilian history. The Fiocruz bulletin showed an alarming occupancy rate of intensive care beds: of the 27 states in Brazil, 24 have an occupancy rate equal to or greater than 80%.

The data collected by the Datafolha institute indicate that in March, the highest rate of fear of being infected with coronavirus was recorded since the first case was detected in February 2020. The investigation indicates that 55% of the population is very scared (in January this was the case for 44%) and 27% are a little afraid. 12% of those questioned said they were not afraid, against 16% last January. Seven percent responded that they already have covid-19.

With the health system collapsing in much of the country, most states have implemented curfews. Although these measures were not accompanied by the executive. President Jair Bolsonaro has toughened his rejection of restrictions announced by Brazilian states. On Friday, the president asked the Supreme Court to limit the powers of suspension of economic activities available to governors and mayors.

In the town of Rio de Janeiro, for example, Mayor Eduardo Paes decreed on ban on the use of beaches and sea baths during this weekend. He also set up a Night curfew from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.. Although bars and cafes installed on the seafront are allowed to operate because the movement of people on the beaches is allowed, although permanence is prohibited.

This week, the occupancy of intensive care beds in the city of Rio in the public network reached 95%. The measures are aimed at containing the spread of infections in one of the country’s most touristy cities and will be in effect until 5 a.m. on Monday. Mayor Paes’ decision came after the death of a 22-year-old who died after waiting 40 hours for a urinary tract bed for patients with covid-19 in the city of São Paulo. Also in São Paulo, around 500 sick people are waiting for a place in the city’s hospitals. “We are in ruins, it is a moment of extreme gravity,” lamented the mayor of the city, Bruno Covas.

Bolsonaro, For its part, welcomed the anti-quarantine demonstrations carried out following the measures implemented by the governors of Brazil to fight against the pandemic. The president’s statements contradict the indications of cardiologist Marcelo Queiroga, whom Bolsonaro has appointed to assume the post of Minister of Health. Queiroga defends social distancing to reduce infections. The doctor will replace General Eduardo Pazuello, who still heads this portfolio.


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