Brazil and the criminal sequence of absurdities


The newspaper “Folha de Sao Paulo” published on Saturday in its edition an astonishing revelation which undoubtedly exposes the criminal strategy of the government of the extreme right Jair Bolsonaro to face the worst pandemic which struck the world in at least the hundred last years. During his visit to Manaus, the capital of Amazonas, at the start of last week, active General Eduardo Pazuello, the Minister of Health, had already been warned that the city’s oxygen supplies were on the verge to collapse.

Pazuello was accompanied by a special task force, which was not composed of highly qualified logistics technicians, to prepare for the emergency shipment of oxygen cylinders. The group was made up of specially invited doctors, whose mission would be to visit basic health facilities and convince their professionals to immediately adopt “early treatment”, that is to say preventive.

And what would this prevention look like? Apply chloroquine to patients, in addition to a dewormer and a liquid to eliminate lice.

There is not even a hint of evidence that these “early treatment” components have any effect except chloroquine, which can have serious side effects.

At that time, the situation in the hospitals in Manaus was very quickly approaching the tragic situation that began on Wednesday, January 13, when oxygen began to run out.

The next day the suffocation deaths began.

Pazuello’s decision to be accompanied by doctors defending the absurdities advocated by Bolsonaro is perhaps the most convincing proof not only of the ineffectiveness of his management as head of the key ministry in the uncontrolled pandemic ravaging the country. It is also indisputable proof of their ineptitude and their criminal irresponsibility.

It is no longer a question of discussing the presidential stupidity to which an army general blindly obeys, but of seeking urgent means to dismiss him and all the soldiers whom he has been able to disseminate through key positions in the ministry of Health, of the portfolio which should be the central axis of actions to combat and control the deadly effects of the pandemic.

Unlike the other soldiers that Bolsonaro poured out in the ministries of his government, all reformed, Pazuello is still active. There is no explanation why his superiors – the military high command in particular – are ignoring the general’s absurd conduct which is helping to dismantle the public health system as Brazil lives. Somehow, this omission makes them complicit in the irresponsibility of an absurdly ineffective government run by a genocidal apprentice.

The oceans are useless as warnings to doctors, researchers, scientists about the very high risk that the tragedy facing Manaus will spread across the country. There is no coherent program to start the vaccination campaign, there is nothing concrete in sight.

Another example of the Olympic ineptitude of Bolsonaro and his band of incapacitated people was recorded on Friday: an Azul airline was chartered and adapted to fly to India in search of two million doses of vaccine. It’s all very fast, very efficient. Only one detail was missing: to reach an agreement with the government of that country.

Result: there is no Indian vaccine for the moment, and the plane never took off from Brazil.

And no one knows when the vaccination of Brazilians will begin, and they will continue to see the deaths unfold in tragic ways.


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