Brazil: another Vale dam, with maximum warning at risk of rupture


The Brazilian municipality of Barao de Cocais, in the state of Minas Gerais, has declared the "maximum warning level" for the risk of rupture of a dam of the Vale mining company, the same one that he collapsed and caused his death. more than 200 people and hundreds of missing, announced today the local authorities.

In a statement, the company explained that it was "a preventive measure" as an independent auditor informed the company that the tank had a "critical condition". "instability", according to the DPA.

In this way, the level of risk increased from 2 to 3, the maximum rate for these cases.

Flavio Godinho, lieutenant colonel in charge of the civil defense department of the state of Minas Gerais, in southeastern Brazil, said in a television interview that "this level of alert means that" there is an imminent risk of dam failure, "he added. that Friday, when the emergency sirens sounded, it was possible to evacuate "a group of people".

The Brazilian government is investigating the potential corruption of the mining company Vale, the world's largest producer and exporter of iron, by urging the country's authorities to ensure the safety of the dam that collapsed on 25 January.

On this tragic day, "a river of mud and mineral residues burying mine facilities and houses surrounding the dam in seconds, left a salvage of 209 dead and 97 missing, as well as incalculable environmental damage," he said. l & # 39; agency. EFE.



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