Brazil: Bolsonaro has only 39% approval


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, only keeps one 39% positive opinions after three months in government and almost 60% of the votes he got in the elections at the end of 2018.

According to one Survey of the National Confederation of Transport (CNT), the the negative image reaches 19%.

Those who consider management very good, they reach 11% and 28% think it's good.

Qualification as a regular reaches 29% and 13% of respondents did not answer.

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Compared to the beginning of previous governments, it is disadvantaged by the first government of Dilma Rousseff (49%) and the two mandates of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (57% in the first and 50% in the second).

Although he exceeds Michel Temer who started with only 11% and Dilma's second term which was also at 11%.

The survey also measured the rating badigned to the measures proposed by the government.

L & # 39; s approvalof the pension reform is 43%, against 46% who disapprove. Meanwhile, the flexibilisation decree of the The possession of critical weapons 53% and approves 43% interviewees.

Meanwhile, the best evaluation was the Sérgio Moro's anti-crime package, which received 62% support with a disapproval of 19%.


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