Brazil: Bolsonaro was reprimanded and insulted in the …


The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, was reprimanded on the streets of the city of Macapa, located in the northeast of the country, after criticizing the protests for racial equality in his speech to the G20.

In one video posted on social networks and published by the newspaper Folha, we see how Bolsonaro walks yesterday in the streets of the city with the body through a car window, while people in the street repeatedly shout “outside” and utter insults directed at both him and those around him.

The repudiation of the president occurred in Macapá, a city that has suffered the effects of a power outage for 19 days after a fire burned down an energy substation.

This Friday, the president of Brazil published a series of critical tweets against the demonstrators who, on the occasion of Black Awareness Day, spoke out in favor of racial equality. Additionally, Vice President Hamilton Mourao denied in press statements that there was racism in Brazil.

“Those who incite people to discord, fabricate and promote conflict, attack not only the nation, but our own history. Anyone preaching this is in the wrong place. Its place is in the trash!“, Express Bolsonaro in social networks.

The controversy crossed the borders of the country because Bolsonaro declared in his speech to the G20 that there are people who “want to destroy” the image of the cultural diversity of Brazil in the world.

“It is the essence of this people that has won the sympathy of the world. However, there are those who want to destroy it and put in its place conflict, resentment, hatred and racial division, always masked as a ‘struggle for equality’ or ‘social justice’ ”. noticed.

General repudiation

Bolsonaro’s image has also suffered after the death of José Alberto Silveira Freitas, a 40-year-old black man, who was beaten to death at the hands of two guards of a supermarket in the city of Porto Alegre. This Thursday a wave of protests broke out in several Brazilian cities.

Freitas is dead after being hit for four minutes by two security guards from a store. In a video recorded by a witness, you can see how one guard is restraining him so that another can beat him.

The action sparked a general repudiation in Brazilian society, as it also took place a few days before the Race Awareness Day in which protests are traditionally held.

The Brazilian president is not having his best moment after the vast majority of candidates backed by him were defeated in the first round or did not leave as favorites in the second of the municipal elections to be decided next Sunday.


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