Brazil: concludes, for the moment, the intense legal battle for the liberation of Lula da Silva


  Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

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Lula da Silva Faces a Conviction for Corruption .

The intense judicial battle that took place this Sunday around the eventual release of former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has come to an end, at least for the moment.

Carlos Thompson Flores, President of the Fourth Federal District Court (TRF-4), has decided that Lula da Silva must remain in detention, thus ending the dispute that had during the day two judges from said court.

This court was that of April of this year sentenced Lula to 12 years of pr i sion accused of the crimes of pbadive bribery and money laundering in the Case Lava Jato .

The Exmandatario continues to maintain his innocence.

  • The former president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, sentenced to 9 ½ years in prison for bribery and money laundering
  • Brazil: how Lula da Silva pbaded "the man the most popular policy on the planet "to be sentenced to prison n by bribery

Sunday afternoon, Rogerio Favreto, the judge who was on duty at TRF-4, granted a habeas corpus [19659016] in Lula and ordered the immediate release of the former president, who has been detained since April 7 at the headquarters of the federal police in Curitiba.

Favreto considered that being deprived of liberty, Lula is prevented from exercising his rights as pre-mandate to the presidency of Brazil. in elections to be held in October

  • Can Lula remain a candidate for the presidency even if he is in prison?

The order of Favreto was however blocked a few hours later by João Gebran Neto, another judge of the TRF-4 who in turn is the instructor of the case Lava Jato .

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Supporters of Lula da Silva met. the headquarters of the federal police Curitiba before waiting for the former president could be free.

Gebran Neto ordered the police and authorities to take no action, for which Lula had to remain in detention

The legal pulse continued a few hours later, when, in the face of the blockade of Gebran Neto, Judge Favreto insisted on the freedom of the former president.

The clash between the two judges caused uncertainty, and even dozens of supporters of Lula have reached the place where he is detained

  • How the judicial decision against Lula da Silva and his imprisonment may affect his political future and that of Brazil

Despite the last order, the federal police did not act because of ] contradiction between the two judges.

To settle the controversial it was necessary the intervention of Carlos Thompson Flores, president of TRF-4.

Thompson Flores considered that the decision on re liberation of Lula is contest of the instructor of the case Lava Jato (Gebran Neto) and not the judge on duty (Favreto) .

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Despite the judicial process he is facing, Lula da Silva is still standing for the presidency of Brazil.

To the extent that the leader of the left remains cerá in the seat where he is detained

The Lula case

In 2014, the Brazilian prosecutor's office began to investigating certain charges executives of the national oil company Petrobras had accepted bribes in exchange for awarding contracts to construction companies

The investigation has revealed a vast network of corruption involving high-level politicians.

This is how Lula himself was found guilty of receiving a beachfront apartment, renovated for about $ 1.1 million, in the form of a jar. wine from the OAS engineering firm.

The defense of the exmandatario, on the other hand, ensures that the property of the department has never been tested and that the sentence is largely based on the another senior official found guilty of bribery. [19] 659043] 10 messages of the last speech of Lula before surrender to the authorities of Brazil

  • A gas station and a mysterious gift: it is thus that began the scandal which rages in the Brazilian government
  • Despite his legal situation, Lula da Silva ha maintained his candidacy for the presidential elections to be held next October.

    Lula leads all the polls, despite his arrest, and he is practically invalid because the electoral law prevents the second-clbad prisoners from running for an elected office

    April 7, a few hours before He went to justice after almost 48 hours of resistance, Lula da Silva surrendered to his disciples, with a speech in which he badured: "Know that I'm not afraid that I will not flee (…) know that I will prove my innocence ".

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