Brazil: COVID-19 vaccination fell into the crack


The vaccination against COVID-19 I know politicized completely in Brazil, with the state government St.Paul openly confronted with the president Jair Bolsonaro, who refuses to specify when the campaign will begin, while relativizing the importance of vaccinations.

he Butantan Institute, which belongs to the state of São Paulo, has developed with the Chinese private laboratory Sinovac the vaccine CoronaVac, and the Governor of São Paulo, Joao doria, argues that, as it is already in the final stages of testing, it may start to be applied shortly.

However, the Brazilian government criticizes the vaccine and denounces “the influence of issues related to geopolitics“In your promotion.

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The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), who heads a military medic and a close ally of Bolsonaro, said the criteria he uses China to validate their vaccine “they are not transparent”.

At least eleven Brazilian states have reached an agreement to apply the vaccine developed in São Paulo. For Bolsonaro, the opposition defends the use of CoronaVac to harm his government and that is why he has come to call it “Joao Doria’s Chinese vaccine”.

Doria is one of the potential opposition presidential candidates for the Elections 2022.

In addition to the vaccine dispute, the government and the opposition are also clashing over the Dated to start the vaccination campaign.

Anvisa announced that the start of the coronavirus vaccination in the United States cannot be taken as a benchmark, while the vice president, Hamilton MouraoHe judged “hasty” to announce the start of vaccination.

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State governments and opposition parties are demanding that Anvisa grant immediate clearance to any vaccine approved by a regulatory agency. United States, England, Japan or Russia.

For its part, Supreme Federal Court gave to Ministry of Health 48 hours to inform when he will start vaccinating, since the plan delivered last week does not give details.

This Monday the 14th, the vaccination began in the United States with the drug from the American laboratory Pfizer, the same used since last week in England.

Brazil is the second country by the number of victims of COVID-19, with more than 181 thousand and exceeds 6.9 million infected.

Anvisa has hinted that she was unwilling to issue a permit for the Pfizer vaccine simply because she had been given the green light in Washington and London.

This position coincides with that expressed on Sunday by the Deputy Minister of Health, Colonel Elcio Franco, for whom “it would be irresponsible to give precise dates for the start of vaccination”.

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For his part, Governor Doria reiterated his intention to start vaccination in January and announced that the 23 december will present the results of the CoronaVac studies with 10,000 Brazilian volunteers. “We are confident that the efficacy of the vaccine will be demonstrated,” he said.

Bolsonaro has announced that his government will allocate $ 3.8 billion when buying vaccines and announced that those who receive them must sign a document assuming the risks of taking it, which specialists have rejected or downplayed.

“You are going to have to sign a liability clauseThe president said to a group of worshipers who greeted him as he left the seat of government, among whom were several “anti-vaccines”.

“Pfizer is saying very clearly … very clearly that it is not responsible for Collateral damageSo people who want to drink it, take it, those who don’t want to, don’t take it, ”said Bolsonaro, who has already announced that he, who was infected with the coronavirus will not be vaccinated.


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