Brazil: goodbye to the minister of external aberrations …


From Rio de Janeiro

It was a difficult day for Jair Bolsonaro. First, Its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araújo, has resigned. And in the middle of the afternoon, the Minister of Defense, Retired General Fernando Azevedo e Silva, presented his letter of resignation, sby informing you of the reason which led you to leave the post.

Some media, referring to “internal sources” of the Ministry of Defense, They said it was, in fact, a request from Bolsonaro, who would seek to “reorganize the government”. The measure surprised, while the departure of the other was more than expected.

In two years and almost three months Ernesto Araújo has achieved a feat: to go from obscure and mediocre diplomat, simple follower of orders, to the position of worst foreign minister in the history of Brazilian diplomacy. In other words, in over a century and a half.

On Monday, he asked to step down, responding to urgent requests from deputies, senators, businessmen and at least 300 diplomats in office.

It is true that it was part of the worst government in the history of the Republic, under the command of an uncontrollable genocide. But for a question of elementary justice, it is necessary to recognize their individual value.

It is not easy to destroy in such a short time one of the most respected foreign policies in the world for decades, and to obtain the absolute right to be called Minister of Foreign Aberrations.

Yes In his early movements as minister, Araújo was involved in maneuvers to recognize pathetic Juan Guaidó as Venezuelan president and to encourage the coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia.

He clarified Brazil’s shameful submission to Washington and Donald Trump. With this, he liquidated – in more than decades of foreign policy – the space occupied by Brazil on the world stage and in particular in Latin America, with an emphasis on South America.

He was obsequious to his leader by presenting a desperate vassal to Donald Trump and also harassing Argentina, the China of Alberto Fernández – Brazil’s biggest buyer – and various European and Asian governments.

He survived an absurd situation unscathed: During a visit by Bolsonaro to his supreme idol in Washington, the Brazilian foreign minister was prevented from entering the room where the two leaders would meet. Eduardo, one of Bolsonaro’s pathetic sons, yes he was able to get in. It became clear at the time who the real commander of Brazilian foreign policy was: a primate named Eduardo Bolsonaro.

Araújo emerged from mediocrity to reveal himself, as a minister, a radical disciple of Olavo de Carvalho, the ex-astrologer who called himself a philosopher and spread stupid far-right things on social media.

But the height of its catastrophe has occurred since the start of the pandemic which has already decimated more than 320,000 Brazilian lives.

Since the onset of deaths from covid-19, Araújo has hit hard at the World Health Organization, accused the Chinese government of creating the coronavirus, which he called a “communavirus”, showed sympathy for the vandals who invaded Congress in Washington, denounced the election of Joe Biden as fraudulent, refused to seek dialogue with China to speed up the purchase of vaccines and fell out with India, another major supplier.

It was when the international community realized that Jair Bolsonaro, the genocide, had two very important accomplices in the death that struck Brazil: the general who occupied the Ministry of Health and the diplomat who destroyed the image of the country in the world. And that the Brazilians have been left to fend for themselves.

Just like Eduardo Pazuello, the active general who did nothing but disperse the uniforms of the Ministry of Health and blindly obey the orders of an unbalanced grotesque, Ernesto Araújo will deserve to be at his boss’s side until then when the time to be taken to the international tribunal in The Hague.

Araújo’s career is over. Their destination is in the basements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is not known who will be the successor. But everything indicates that it will not be the least important: Bolsonaro will remain Bolsonaro, and his son Eduardo will continue to shape Brazilian foreign policy.

And the country will continue to drift, heading for the bottom of a bottomless chasm.


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