Brazil has more and more Covids, but for Bolsonaro, you have to “go to the beach”


Although Brazil already passed the mark of 7.5 million infected for him coronavirus, and approaches the 200 thousand dead since, in some cities, like Manau, intensive therapies in hospitals are already overflowing, the president Jair Bolsonaro insists on denying the seriousness of the pandemic and now invites his compatriots to “to go to the beach”.

Where is vitamin D found? Sunbathing, but they forbid everyone to go to the beach, it’s crazy. Who made the decision? A governor, a mayor … it cannot be, ”Bolsonaro said in Santos, town on the sea coast of the state of San Pablo.

The President’s statements are another example of his decision to politicize the issue of coronaviruses, as governor and mayor that you mentioned -Joao Doria and Bruno Covas, State and City of São Paulo – lead the opposition to its government.

“Where can you find vitamin D? Sunbathe, but everyone was forbidden to go to the beach, is that crazy?”

Bolsonaro took part in a football match at the stadium on Monday Vila belmiro, from the Santos club, where score a goal and after which he again denied the seriousness of the health emergency represented by the pandemic.

“This Covid virus will stay with us all our life, there is no point in hiding, why so much fear? Life must go on, “he said, and ruled out that his government’s response to the coronavirus had anything to do with the staggering number of infections or victims:”I was not wrong with any measurement. Nothing, no error, ”he stressed.

This is not the first of these statements from Bolsonaro, who was infected with the coronavirus in July. At the time, he claimed he had been cured by consuming the controversial drug hidroxicloroquina, not recommended by the WHO, challenged the isolation measures while greeting supporters and expressed doubts about vaccine efficacy.

Brazil: Vice-President Hamilton Mourao tested positive for Covid-19

The president also said that he recommends taking hydroxychloroquine at vice-president, Hamilton Mourao, who tested positive on Sunday and remains in isolation in Brasilia.

Brazil registered in the last 24 hours 1,111 new deaths, its worst death record since September 15, and 58.718 new infections, with which the total number of cases has already reached 7,563,551 and 192,681 dead.

According to data from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the pandemic is expected to produce a reduced life expectancy by two years Brazilians, for the first time since 1940.



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