Brazil has stopped beef sales in China: local opportunity?


This measure is part of a health protocol signed in 2015 by both countries and provides for an immediate and preventive suspension when this type of case is detected.

The Brazilian government is thus seeking to put an end to possible trade and health problems with China, which is now the main buyer: only last year, it retained 40% of its exports. meat (just over 320 000 tonnes) and this year expect that they will grow by 20%.

According to the document prepared by the government of the neighboring country, all shipments of beef delivered after May 31 must return to Brazil.

In the meantime, the question arises as to whether this panorama opens up a clear possibility for the meat market in Argentina. At present, more than 30 domestic refrigerators are allowed to export to the Asian giant. Today, they keep 56% of the total shipments that have increased each month.

The truth is that today, Argentina is trying to increase its sales on the foreign market, but it has a limiting factor: the cattle herd and the production that can not recover.

On the other hand, domestic consumption has fallen sharply in recent months but remains at around 49 kilos per inhabitant per year.

In this context, they stress that in their sector, Argentina could take advantage of this opportunity but that, in the immediate future, it would be very limited, mainly because of the lack of supply of the product.

In the midst of this revolutionary panorama, Argentina received yesterday the good news that can already export chilled and bone-in meat to China. This would involve sending larger cuts, as long as the production manages to grow.

In the meantime, Brazil will quickly seek a way out of this crisis and its health authorities are already in talks with the Asian giant.

Even the neighboring country has already specified that "all sanitary measures to mitigate future risks were concluded even before the issuance of the final result of (the BSE) – by the reference laboratory of the country. World Organization for Animal Health ".

In turn, the Brazilian authorities recalled that, for more than 20 years of surveillance of the disease, Brazil had registered only three cases of atypical "mad cow disease" and no conventional BSE, which could result in the closure of all markets.

The next few days will therefore be essential for the global meat market, and in the meantime, local cold stores seem promising.


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