Brazil is a ‘biological Fukushima’ with record coronavirus deaths


Brazil continues to record records, tragically. Yesterday I reached the 4195 killed by Covid-19 in one day and thus adds 336,947 deaths from the disease.

With its healthcare system on the verge of collapse, the South American giant could exceed the total death toll in the United States, although it has only two-thirds of the population.

“It’s a nuclear reactor that’s set off a chain reaction and it’s out of control. It’s a biological Fukushima.”, he warned Reuters Brazilian doctor Miguel Nicolelis, professor at Duke University who follows the spread of the virus.

Just yesterday, 86,979 people were infected and they total 13,100,580 cases since the start of the pandemic.

President Jair Bolsonaro has been criticized at home and abroad for his handling of the pandemic, rejecting the use of chinstrap from the start and without maintaining social distance, in addition to changing the Chief of Health: he had four ministers in this period. He also did not order an early mass vaccination.

Nicolelis and Christovam Barcellos, researcher at the Brazilian medical institute Fiocruz, Tienen andIndependent estimates suggest that Brazil could surpass the United States in both the total number of deaths and the record of average deaths per day.

Brazil could break the US seven-day average death record next week, projects the University of Washington Institute for Health Measurement and Evaluation (IHME). The US average for daily deaths peaked at 3,285 in January.

The IHME prognosis does not go beyond On July 1, when he estimated that Brazil could kill 563,000, compared to the 609,000 victims expected by then in the United States.


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