Brazil is on the verge of recession and Bolsonaro is interrupting: I have already said that I did not understand the economy


"I've already said that I did not understand the economy, who understood Brazil sank, I have 100% confidence in Paulo Guedes' economy, "Bolsonaro said after a lunch at a friend's house in South Lake, Brasilia.

"People want to improve our indicators here, but now it even goes through external issues"he added.

The Brazilian economy is now threatened by a recession, defined as the record of two consecutive quarters of contraction compared to the immediately prior period, something unthinkable a few months ago, when Bolsonaro grew up in polls with a liberal and reformist speech, which allowed him to win the victory October elections in November of last year.

Compared with the first quarter of 2018, Brazil's GDP grew by 0.5%, its worst result since the first quarter of 2017. And over the 12 months accumulated, the increase was only 9%, confirming a slowdown already has led the government to reduce its forecast of expansion in 2019 from 2.5% to 1.6%.

At the same time, the market is forecasting lower growth of 1.2% for the year, a deterioration that does not seem to be slowing down.


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