Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro's first government detainees explode – 01/02/2019


The Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho, considered as the guru of President Jair Bolsonaro – who was still hospitalized Friday after an operation to remove a colostomy bag – acid vice president attacked, the general Hamilton Mourao.

"Aló (Hamilton) Mourao, people did not vote for you, people have accepted you with a little suspicion only because of the love he had and that he has for (Jair) Bolsonaro, "said Carvalho on social networks.

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The philosopher told the vice president, "You have conquered your parcel of power borrowed by a popular movement "who voted Bolsonaro in the elections of October 28

Carvalho is one of the ideologues of the "Bolsonaro clan", formed by the president and his three children, especially the deputy Eduardo, whom he met two weeks ago in the United States.

The Brazilian writer and philosopher Olavo de Carvalho. / AFP via Folhapress

The Brazilian writer and philosopher Olavo de Carvalho. / AFP via Folhapress

Criticism of the far-right thinker Carvalho has intensified with the increasingly tense relations between Bolsonaro and his vice-president.

One of the points where the two seem to collide is the arena of international politics. For example, the general of the reserve rejected the idea of ​​moving the embbady to Israel and moderated it vis-à-vis Venezuela. He asked to support Mercosur and not to break with China, according to reports in the local press even before the formula was adopted.

The newspapers on Friday announced that Bolsonaro had resumed his duties as president at the Albert Einstein hospital in São Paulo. prevent Mourao from continuing to serve as vice president interim in Brasilia.

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Last Monday, Bolsonaro was operated on from a plague he suffered on September 6, after being badaulted during the election campaign.

Carvalho, a 71-year-old US-based Brazilian, defended Bolsonaro.

During Bolsonaro's speech immediately after winning the elections, among the books presented before him (which also included the Bible and the Brazilian Constitution), was the minimum you had to know in order not to be an idiot (you have to know not to be an idiot), a collection of articles written by Olavo de Carvalho which, according to the publisher, were sold at 320,000 units.

Astrologer, writer, journalist and writer, Olavo de Carvalho settled in Richmond, Virginia, USA after the victory of the PT in 2005. From there, always with his Remington 12 caliber rifle in his hand (a claim to the culture of arms prevailing in the American South), gives courses of philosophy online (according to him, 12 thousand people paid to attend their virtual courses), writes articles and encourages various factions of the Brazilian right come out of the closet to challenge what he sees as the "institutional cultural hegemony" conquered by the left in Brazil.

Bolsonaro who just met a month to the presidency, returned to government Thursday, after undergoing surgery to remove the colostomy bag he had been wearing since September; an intervention that left him about 24 hours in intensive care.

Photo courtesy of the presidency, showing the place where he shows Bolsonaro, working in the Albert Einstein hospital room. / EFE

Photo courtesy of the presidency, showing the place where he shows Bolsonaro, working in the Albert Einstein hospital room. / EFE

On a photo published by the presidency, Bolsonaro appears lying on the hospital bed, covered with a yellow cloth and holding a pen and papers that he is about to sign.

A few hours earlier, the president had turned to his social networks, the main communication tool, to say that he "continued to work from the hospital" and drew up a brief summary of his first month mandate.

Source: Ansa and EFE


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