Brazil records highest number of coronavirus deaths in more than a month – telam


Some experts speak of the arrival of a third wave in June more deadly than the first two.

Some experts speak of the arrival of a third wave in June more deadly than the first two.

Faced with a third coronavirus assault, Brazil has recorded nearly 2,700 deaths in 24 hours, the highest figure in more than a month, amid an alarming rebound in intensive care room occupancy with infected patients.

Authorities and specialists have warned that the relatively slow progress of vaccination, the premature reopening of the economy and the circulation of the Indian variant augur for a new surge of the pandemic in the second country most bereaved by it.


The South American nation ruled by President Jair Bolsonaro, who opposes closures and has promoted built-up areas, This Tuesday added 52,448 more cases of coronavirus in the past 24 hours, the authorities reported.

The figure, which brings the total number of infections to 17.03 million, represents a big jump from the previous day, when 39,712 were recorded.

On the other hand, the total number of people who died reached 477,307 after adding 2,693 more, the highest number since May 5, with a moving average of 1,714 per day over the last one.

Some experts speak of the arrival of a third wave in June more deadly than the first two

Some experts speak of the arrival of a third wave in June more deadly than the first two, since it starts from a much higher plateau of daily deaths.

Others claim that in Brazil it is not possible to speak of waves, because never in the 16 months of the pandemic has the circulation of the virus been choked to a minimum of deaths and cases, as has happened. is produced in neighboring countries or in Europe, for example.

The federal government’s Fiocruz Research Institute reported that for the third week in a row, the occupancy of intensive care units for patients infected with Covid-19 has increased.

In 11 of the 27 capitals, the occupancy rate of these types of rooms exceeded 90%says the institute.

During the dramatic months of March and April, when it reached a peak of more than 4000 deaths in a single day, almost all governors have reimposed the shutdown of non-essential services and nighttime curfews.

However, as soon as the numbers started to drop, the measures were relaxed, experts say, prematurely, as the country of 212 million people nears half a million dead and has one of the death rates for 100,000 highest inhabitants in the world (over 220).

Fiocruz warned that the “easing” of the measures would lead to “an intensification of the pandemic” in the coming weeks.

In 11 of the 27 capitals, the room occupancy rate for Covid has exceeded 90%.

In 11 of the 27 capitals, the room occupancy rate for Covid has exceeded 90%.


Also, Brazil has immunized 1.6 million people against the coronavirus, while receiving a ninth shipment of vaccines from the American laboratory Pfizer.

About 1.3 million Brazilians received the first dose of a Covid 19 vaccine on Tuesday, the highest number since the start of the vaccination campaign on January 17, health officials reported.

Since then, 74.2 million AstraZeneca, British, Coronavac, Chinese and Pfizer vaccines have been placed.

So far, 23.3 million people have applied both doses, which is 24% of the Brazilian population.

On the other hand, a batch of 526,500 units of the Pfizer antidote arrived at Viracopos airport, inside São Paulo.

This was the ninth shipment of products from this North American laboratory, which has already sent 5.9 million injections, under two sales contracts of 200 million that will be delivered until 2022.

Some 1.3 million Brazilians received the first dose of a Covid 19 vaccine on Tuesday.

Some 1.3 million Brazilians received the first dose of a Covid 19 vaccine on Tuesday.

Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga admitted to Congress on Tuesday that there will be a drop in the vaccination rate in July, given that the flow of imported products is lower than expected.


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