Brazil remembers Councilor Marielle Franco a year after her murder


Huang went to the South American giant to show the support of the international community in the case of Marielle Franco, whose badbadination had shocked the country and the world and turned the activist into a new one. one of the main protagonists of the recent history of Brazil and the defense of the people. Human rights.

"The badbadination of Marielle posed a threat not only to the political leaders of Brazil, but also to the human rights defenders of the whole world."Huang said.

The representative of the United States explained EFE the impact of Marielle's murder around the world is "huge" because The Brazilian counselor has fought for the marginalized, the African descendants, the LGBT collective (bad, gay, bibadual and transgender) and has thus generated activism around the world..

For example, the IA met around 800,000 signatures from 45 countries, to demand "justice" for the murder, "an abuse of human rights".

"People are scared, politics uses fear to eliminate human rights, but when we organize and fight together, we show that they are more important and that they will win in the long run," Huang said. .

However, one question remains unresolved: Who executed the order to kill Marielle?murdered because of their political actions.

In this sense, Huang said that with the growth of conservative ideas and policies of the far right, with the coming to power of leaders such as Donald Trump in the United States or Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil human rights defenders are attacked in many countries, so activism must "organize, support and show solidarity".

"Many politicians have been worried about the investigation of Marielle and the arrests (of two people involved in the crime) yesterday are only the first step, it is necessary to know who ordered to kill her"he added.

Jurema Werneck, Amnesty International's executive director in Brazil, for her part, is optimistic about defending human rights around the world.

Conscious of the fact that there is intense debate on the issue after the growth of the far right, Werneck believes that a large part of the world's population "is fighting for this not to imply a decline in human rights." the man and that accept that he is killing himself and threatening him. "

Franco (1979-2018) was a black and bad woman from a favela, an activist of the leftist Socialist Party and Freedom Party (PSOL) and a defender of minority rights. His crime provoked great indignation in Brazil and condemnations from outside.

(With EFE information)

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