Brazil suffers from worst hospital collapse in history


According to Fiocruz scientists, 24 of the 26 states have more than 80% hospital occupancy and the state of Rio de Grande do Sul, border with Argentina, it has already been exceeded in all its possibilities, with 100 percent.

Fifteen states have higher rates 90% occupancy of intensive care beds for patients with Covid-19, says report released Tuesday evening by scientists from the largest official laboratory centerHim, responsible for the production of AstraZeneca vaccines from this month.

“This is the biggest health and hospital collapse in Brazilian history”, they warned in the statement released by the specialists and clarified that the figures are averages for each state, which, for its part, has a queue in various regions and deaths without finding ICU beds.

Brazil had the record of 2,841 daily deaths this Tuesday and has accumulated 282,127, the first day after President Jair Bolsonaro appointed his fourth Minister of Health, cardiologist Marcelo Queiroga, in place of General Eduardo Pazuello, who on Monday pledged 561 million doses of vaccine until December. The only two states that have not reached the state of collapse are the Amazon Roraima and Rio de Janeiro, with less than 80% occupancy of the intensive care unit.

Scientists at the official institute recommend restrictions such as those applied by most states and municipalities to reduce bed occupancy, in addition to the use of masks, physical distancing measures, and l acceleration of vaccination.They are asking to suspend face-to-face classes across the country, to ban activities such as shows, religious and sports services, and to impose a curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on weekends., with closure of beaches and parks.

Recommendations from an official body They contrast with President Bolsonaro’s policy and speech to repudiate quarantines, which he recently called a “state of siege”.

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