Brazil: They find a microphone with passengers under a mountain of mud – 26/01/2019


While relief efforts continue after a dam broke in the Brazilian city of Brumadinho, firefighters a bus with pbadengers under the mudalthough they believe that there are no survivors in the interior.

At a press conference, the firefighter's lieutenant, Pedro Aihara, said that the microphone had been found in the area near the breakage of the Vale Dam. And he said that the operation requires a special team remove the buried vehicle.

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"As it is a difficult place of access and we need special machines to access this structure and to evacuate the victims, we still can not tell the number of dead, "said the spokesman of the fire department, although it is believed that there were about 40 people traveling there, and then added : "The number of victims will increase. "

According to Aihara, "the occupants of the microphone were mine officials and there would be no survivors".

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Police and rescue workers are working on a road affected by the dam breaking in Brumadinho, Brazil. AP Photo

Police and rescue workers are working on a road affected by the dam breaking in Brumadinho, Brazil. AP Photo

The bus was one of the search points for the rescue teams, as well as a locomotive, the part of a building that has collapsed and a community of Parque das Cataratas.

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Brazilian rescue services evacuated 46 people Saturday, while 300 people are still missing and already add up to 34 confirmed deaths by the avalanche of mud.


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