Brazil threatens to leave Mercosur if Argentina wins opposition and applies protectionist measures


Brazilian Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said on Thursday that if the new Argentine government closes its economy, Brazil leave Mercosur "If Cristina Kirchner arrives and closes the economy, we will", he said at an event organized by a banking entity in San Pablo, after Todos' Frente's victory in Sunday's STEP elections.

In his speech, the Brazilian official argued that his country he never needed Argentina to grow upand badured that the government's approach is to resume the momentum of expansion of economic activity. "Our main concern is internal. Brazil is a continental economy and we need to regain our pace of growth. We are not so dependent on the outside, "he said.

"If the world slows down, I do not think we will have as much impact here as Brazil has become an island," added Guedes. However, in the midst of a rapprochement between Brazil and Argentina, Mercosur signed a free trade agreement with the European Union at the end of June, at the end of June. from negotiations started 20 years ago.

Recently, the special secretary of the Ministry of Finance of Foreign Trade and International Affairs, Marcos Troyjo, said that there were today "correspondence and purpose"between President Jair Bolsonaro and Mauricio Macri, with the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

The Brazilian minister's remarks come in a week during which the Argentine market suffered a major shock after the overwhelming victory of Alberto Fernández in the primary elections, which seriously compromised the chances of Macri's reelection.

The former partner of the formula, Cristina Kirchner, had declared at the end of June that he was elected head of government "will examine the agreements signed by Macri ", in relation with Mercosur and the European Union.

At the SMATA Workers' Congress held in Tortuguitas, Fernández said: "If we are to review the agreements that Macri is signing around the world, we will review them ". "I'm not afraid to sign something with the European Union, which yes me scary is this agreement punish us more than we were punished"Alberto has warned.

Reviews of Bolsonaro sur Fernández

The President of Brazil said Wednesday that "The leftist bandits have begun to come back to power" In Argentina With this sentence, he highlighted the victory of Alberto Fernández within PASO.

"Argentina sinks into chaos, begins to follow the course of Venezuelabecause they started coming back to power in the main left-wing bandits, "said the president in a deed in the northeast of his country.This is not the first time that he criticizes the Kirchner leaders, who has been supporting economic policy


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