Brazilian fashion store opens four stores in the country


Renner, the largest chain of fashion stores in Brazil, arrives in Argentina this year with contracts already signed for the implementation of four operations in the cities of Buenos Aires and Cordoba. At least three stores will open in 2019.Â

In Buenos Aires, the stores will open on Florida Street and Santa Fe Street. In Crdoba, they will be located in the Paseo del Jockey and Patio Olmos shopping centers. In addition, new expansion opportunities will be evaluated based on the performance of the first units.

The entry into the Argentine market is an old wish and a milestone in Renner's internationalization process. Work began to be structured in 2015 and took a concrete first step in 2017 with the arrival in Uruguay, where the company was able to test its business model outside Brazil and acquire enough experience to invest, at that time, in the second largest economy. from South America.

Among the reasons that led Renner to Argentina, there is the strength of the local market, with a population of 44 million, more than 60 shopping centers and nearly 30 cities of over 200,000 inhabitants, plus similar to the southern region of Brazil, where the company's headquarters and one of its distribution centers are located.

The familiarity of the Argentineans with the brand, acquired during visits to Brazil and Uruguay, and the commercial conditions for the transit of goods in the region, provided by Mercosur, were also important factors in the decision.

The start of operations in the country generates more than 250 jobs and investments of about 12 million US dollars. Of this total, US $ 2.5 million will be allocated to technology and logistics and US $ 9.2 million to the establishment of the first four stores, which will follow the same pattern as Brazilian units, with an average of 2,000 square meters sales area. AT

In Argentina, as is already the case in Brazil, Renner works to delight his audience, mostly middle and upper middle clbad women. To do this, offer innovative and quality products and services for all lifestyles, at competitive prices.

Each store will have between 25,000 and 30,000 items, spread in convenient and enjoyable environments, organized to facilitate the buying experience of consumers. As of next year, the company intends to also offer the e-commerce option, already available in Brazil and Uruguay, to increase the comfort of its customers.

Renner applies the concept of "one-stop shop", with clothing for women, men, children and perfumes to meet the needs of the entire family. The company has its own teams for the development of collections inspired by the main trends in fashion.


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