Brazilian justice fined Bolsonaro government for statements against women


President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro
President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro

Brazilian justice has ordered the government chaired by Jair Bolsonaro to pay a fine of five million reais, or just over one million US dollars, for moral damage caused to the group of women and they should invest in awareness campaigns.

The prosecutor’s office listed a series of statements by the president himself, as well as the minister for women, Damares Alves; and his counterpart in the field of economics, Paulo Guedes, as reported by local media ‘World‘.

The Federal Court of Sao Paulo ordered the government to compensate the population by paying a fine for moral damage caused by the statements of Bolsonaro and his ministers, which “discriminate against and reinforce prejudices against women”, although the decision is subject to appeal.

Almost ten million reais, just over $ 20 million, should also be invested in awareness campaigns and campaigns against violence, harassment and inequalities against women; in favor of the rights of victims of violence to safety, health and public assistance; and on the implementation of public policies aimed at gender equality.

“The facts and evidence contained in the files show the negligence and even the mockery of government agents with the situation of social marginalization of Brazilian care, in addition to denoting the absolute disregard of the institutional duty to promote gender equality and principle of administrative management. morality “, wrote the judge of the Fifth Federal Civil Court of Sao Paulo, Ana Lucía Petri.

Women in Sao Paulo Brazil, protest against gender violence
Women in Sao Paulo Brazil, protest against gender violence

Among the statements that have been taken into account, the one the president made in April 2019, when he said that “Brazil cannot be the paradise of gay tourism”, and added that people who would like to travel to the South American country for “having sex with a woman” might do so feeling “free” since “it cannot be known as the paradise of the gay world”.

Justice has therefore understood that the president’s statements constitute an abuse of freedom of expression in the exercise of state power.

Meanwhile, the failure rate of the Brazilian president’s government, Jair Bolsonaro, rose from 39% in February to 50% in June, as well as the worsening COVID-19 pandemic in the country, according to a survey released on Thursday.

According to the Ipec Institute survey, while the government’s rejection rate rose eleven percentage points in four months, the approval rate fell by five, from 28% in February to 23% in June .

The percentage of Brazilians who view Bolsonaro’s management as regular has increased from 31% to 26% in the same period.

(With information from Europa Press)


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