Brazilian justice released for the second time former president Michel Temer


The Superior Court of Justice of Brazil, the third criminal court, decided Tuesday, unanimously and precautionary, to release the former president Michel Temer, arrested last Thursday as part of an investigation for corruption. It's the second time that Temer, 78, reaches freedom after being arrested.

The exmandatario had already been arrested as a preventive measure for four days in March in the context of another criminal case, accused by the floor of having received bribes from various companies and to be the leader of a corrupt organization that hijacked about 470 million dollars of public resources for 40 years.

At the date of today's decision, the former president, who ruled between 2016 and 2018 after Dilma Rousseff was sacked, must be in office. restricted freedomin other words, he will not be able to get in touch with other defendants, he will have to hand over his pbadport and put his badets at the disposal of justice.

The measure also reaches the former military Joao Baptista Lima, friend of and alleged leader of Temer. that for forty years he used his signature for divert money from public contracts.

The fear, a few moments before delivering the presidential group to Jair Bolsonaro. Photo: AP.
The fear, a few moments before delivering the presidential group to Jair Bolsonaro. Photo: AP.

Why they released Temer

The prosecution accuses Temer, leader of the Brazilian Democracy Movement (MDB), of leading a criminal organization for four decades, which in this particular case diverted from the money of a contract of the public company Eletronuclear.

The case is a deployment of Operation Lava Jato, which revealed a vast network of bribes paid by major construction companies to politicians for contracts with Petrobras.

The judges said that the alleged crimes with a contract of the state Angra 3 nuclear power plant were engaged between 2011 and 2015, with which it is not necessary to resort to preventive detention, which is dictated by the danger of flight or the obstruction of the investigation.

"There is no other way to clean Brazil of corruption but this fight can not be a witch hunt with torches in their hands in search of the culprit without respecting the guarantee established for centuries, "said Judge Laurita Vaz during her vote.

With the decision of the hearing room, Temer and Lima will remain free until the plenary meeting of the Superior Court of Justice to evaluate the habeas corpus.

Fear has five open trials and one investigation against him, mainly for pbadive bribery and money laundering.


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