Brazilian minister: girls are raped because they do not wear panties


Another controversial sentence of the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights of Brazil. In this case, about the poor girls of the Amazon.

This is not the first time that the Brazilian Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights receives criticism for her controversial remarks. On this occasion, evangelical pastor Damares Alves said that girls in an Amazon region are victims of stupid because they do not usually walk with underwear. "Specialists told us that the girls there had been raped because they did not have calzones and that they were not wearing calzones because they were poor", said Alves during an official act.

Thus, the official mentioned the high rate of badual abuse of minors in the islands of the Tapajós archipelago, in the state of Pará in the Amazon, one of the regions of Brazil where the percentage of natives is the highest. The Portfolio Manager Family, Women and Human Rights launched the program "Abrace a Tapajós" in Brasilia with a series of initiatives aimed at mitigating badual violence.

"We will attack crime by raising awareness" of the population and by "stimulating the installation of facilities and companies that sell these clothes [calzones]"To reveal its use," said Alves at the event, he added that in Tapajós, it is common for "girls to be delivered in exchange for food or diesel to power their boats."

Obviously, his words have been heavily criticized. But this is not the first controversial sentence of the minister. "In my Christian conception, women, yes, in marriage, must be subject to men and it is a matter of faith," said Jair Bolsonaro's government official at the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights. # 39; man. Women in the Chamber of Deputies. Damares Alves explained that "in Christian doctrine, in the Church" it is understood that in marriage, "the man is the leader".


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