Brazilian scientists study saline solution that could slow effects of coronavirus


Brazilian researchers have presented a study that could change the course of the fight against the pandemic, although they made it clear that it does not represent total protection, let alone a cure for the disease.

What is it about? A simple and inexpensive saline solutionAccording to a preliminary study carried out in Brazil and published on Thursday, it could stop the spread of Covid-19 in the infected person and reduce the risk of more severe inflammation.

The surveys explained that a 1.5% sodium chloride solution prevented coronavirus replication by 100% in the kidney cells of a monkey.

But they also claimed that the same product, at a concentration of 1.1%, inhibited virus duplication by 88%, in tests performed with infected human lung epithelial cells.

The pandemic has had a strong impact on the Brazilian population (Photo: EFE)For: EFE Services

The announcement caused surprise in the scientific world. If the efficacy is demonstrated in clinical trials, this discovery may contribute to the development of new prophylactic strategies or even treatments against the virus.

The study was published in the journal ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science and carried out by scientists from the prestigious University of Sao Paulo, with the support of the Foundation for the support of research of the State of Sao Paulo (Fapesp).

According to the researchers, although the evidence suggests that the use of saline inhibits the replication of the virus, the finding does not represent a complete protection against infection, let alone a cure for the disease.

What the scientists say

It is “a very simple and inexpensive measure, already used as a prophylaxis for other respiratory diseases and which could minimize the severity of Covid-19 by reducing the viral load, ”said Cristiane Guzzo, one of the researchers, quoted in a statement.

The “hypertonic sodium chloride” solution has been used as an additional preventive measure for influenza, bronchiolitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and various respiratory problems.

They report a study from the University of São Paulo

According to the expert, this saline solution could be integrated into current security protocols against covid-19, without replacing the use of masks, social distancing or the need for vaccination.

Two types of solutions

The researchers sThey suggested trying two types of use saline solution in clinical trials, as needed.

The first is to use it as a nasal spray for prevention in the respiratory tract, which are the gateway to covid-19. This product could be used by people who are more likely to be infected with the virus.

As, nebulizations are the second method recommended by Brazilian experts. According to them, in this way the serum will be administered directly to the lung.


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