Brazil's Minister of the Environment has been admitted urgently | Chronic


The Minister of the Environment of Brazil, Ricardo Sallesis "stable" after being hospitalized as a result of a "discomfort", in the midst of the crisis that his office is facing due to forest fires in the Amazon region.

Salles, 44, was admitted late Tuesday to the Armed Forces Hospital of Brasilia. In a first letter of information, he indicated that the Minister was presenting a "discomfort box" and who will be subjected to a series of badyzes "routine."

According to the report, Salles was asymptomatic upon arrival at the hospital, but the medical team chose to admit him for routine examinations.

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"It evolved overnight without clinical complications"said the statement, signed by Rear Admiral Nestor Francisco Miranda Junior, technical director of the health of the military hospital.

Salles was in the eye of the cyclone because of fires in the Amazon, products of deforestation and the advancement of livestock on the rainforest. Between January and August, forest fires increased by 84% over the same period of the previous year, said the National Institute of Space Research (INPE).

On Monday, Salles criticized the previous leadership and said that the audit did not solve the problem of deforestation and burning. "It's 5 million km² .It's not like supervising a place .It's a gigantic area" outfit.

The Minister has a close relationship with
Jair Bolsonaro (Twitter)


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