Breast cancer before age 40, a disturbing statistic – El Diario de Madryn


In our country, bad cancer is the most common tumor in women. About 19,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and it is estimated that one in eight women who have reached the age of 80 will have developed the disease at some point in their life.
In the presentation of bad cancer, age continues to be one of the major risk factors. Although accurate data is not yet available in our country, it is estimated that the development of the disease is very rare before the age of 30, and it increases dramatically after the age of 40.
According to Dr. María Eugenia Azar, a member of the Argentine Society of Mastology, there is a low incidence among women under 40, a trend that remains stable over time.
"Of all patients with bad cancer, 6.6% are diagnosed before the age of 40. This represents 3.2% in the age group 40 to 35 years, 2.4% between 35 and 30 years and 1% in children under 30 years, "says the professional.

Risk Factors

"Although family history of bad or ovarian cancer is generally very important risk factors, bad cancer says genetic or hereditary is not the most Frequent since it accounts for only 15% of all diagnosed bad cancers, the remaining 85% is what is called: sporadic cancer. " Dr. Luciano Cbadab, also a member of the Argentine Society of Mastology, pointed out
In women with a direct history (mother or sister) it is recommended to perform the first check 10 years before age Closer family member cancer detection, which is usually 30 years old. "At the usual controls such as mammography and ultrasound, Magnetic Magnetic Resonance Magnetic is added, also every year, and a consultation with the specialist is recommended every 6 months," Dr. Azar noted.

Most of the cases are symptomatic

Thanks to advances in technology, we can now detect micro-structures that confirm whether or not the existence of a malignant lesion, before it appears in visible form or cause
However, 90% of women under 40 years of age with bad cancer are symptomatic, that is to say, that they consult the doctor because they have the impression that a nodule or a change of bads has occurred. "Early detection of the pathology is very important because the sooner the tumor is detected and the treatments are initiated, the greater the chances of recovery and the chances of achieving better esthetic results," said Dr. Cbadab . In general, bad cancer is asymptomatic in its infancy, which means that it does not hurt or show any visible symptoms that alert the development of the disease. It is therefore important for women to be aware of the changes that can occur in their bads. "

The importance of autopalpado

Azar explained that" self-examination is a useful tool that helps women to know their bads, but does not replace in any way the Medical consultation and studies that allow early detection "In this sense, Cbadab added:" Palpable lesions are usually at least 1 centimeter in diameter, which means that the disease is not in its early stages. This is why in the unexpected appearance of a nodule or a lump, nipple blood secretion, changes in skin color, redness of the bad, alterations of the shape such whether retractions or dimples, appearance of lymph nodes in the armpits or other sign coming out of the ordinary, the mastologist is used for his study and control. "

What to do before diagnosis

Before a diagnosis of bad cancer before age 40, the available treatments do not differ from those indicated at a later age." Dr. Azar said that "conservative surgery with the Radiation therapy is a safe procedure in young women, even those with genetic mutations. In some cases, a mastectomy with or without reconstruction may be necessary, depending on the specificity of the case. There is also no difference in terms of chemotherapy regimens for older women, although there are some differences in hormone therapy, using different medications depending on what they are doing. be pre- or post-menopausal. "

Healthy Living and Physical Activity

In addition to providing psychological support and trying to reduce the impact of treatment on quality of life, as with any patient with this condition, One of the factors to take into account especially in the management of young bad cancer patients, is the preservation of fertility.
In asymptomatic women with no family history, the Argentine Society of Mastology recommends that 39, performing a mammography reference at the age of 35, then, from age 40, mammography and annual bad ultrasound.
"Being a woman, having years and having a family history of the disease are risk factors that can not be avoided, that is why they are called non-modifiable, but lead a healthy lifestyle, do regular physical activity, maintain a low fat diet, incorporate fru its and vegetables in the diet, reduce alcohol consumption, quit smoking and avoid overweight, are small changes that we can do to reduce the risk of bad cancer, "concluded the doctor.

  Government of Chubut

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