Breast cancer: more and more active patients demand a quality of life during treatment


Fears, sadness, anguish, denial and helplessness are some of the emotions that pervade the diagnosis of breast cancer. The life of the person takes a radical turn: the routine of work, studies, motherhood, the role of girl, mother, sister and many other projects are changed.

On the other hand, medicine is advancing by leaps and bounds and offers better alternatives for different types of breast cancer and at all stages of the disease, which also gives women hope at an early stage. advanced.

"It's an illness that can affect our sisters, our mothers, our daughters or our co-workers, everyone. Therefore, we must raise awareness. One critical point, and we do not have enough to insist on this, is its early detection, for which annual controls such as mammography and breast ultrasound are essential, "says the doctor. Lorena Lainati (MN 101.436), medical oncologist, deputy chief of the central hospital of San Isidro and the municipal hospital of Boulogne.

One of the problems that have the most impact on women with breast cancer is their body image before hair loss and other effects of chemotherapy treatment, but – fundamentally – among those who should undergo a mastectomy , that is to say a complete excision. one or both breasts.

Very often, the personal image is related to frivolity, but in reality the human being has the right to harmony, to the perception of the beautiful.

Fortunately, many cases are solved with other types of approaches, without resorting to this surgery, but it is true that it is still a treatment option under certain circumstances.

"The image reflected by the mirror is an essential element for working with the patients, because the breasts are associated with sexuality, femininity and feminine feeling. Surgical psychoprophylaxis is necessary in women who have to undergo surgery, such as a mastectomy. The psychotherapeutic work is essential for the psychic preparation of this intervention and the duel corresponding to the loss of the breast. They work with different cognitive-behavioral tools, including visualization, so that the shock after the operation is not so intense, "says the graduate. María Lis Zanin (MN 41.651), coordinator of the psycho-oncology unit of the oncology department of José Ramón Vidal Hospital of Corrientes.

Active campaigns against breast cancer

"Mom to Me, I'll see you again" is a campaign supported by Mandinga Tatoo who, as part of her initiative, "Happy Breast Club" for several years has tattooed areolas free of charge to women who have passed for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. "The work they do seems wonderful to me, because if they could not tattoo the areola, women should have surgery to be able to reform a nipple with skin removed from the vulva. Each admission to the operating room is a stressful situation. The tattoo marks a before and after, because the woman sees all her breast, which reinforces her self-esteem. Many are encouraged to renew intimate relationships with their partners, which they may have delayed for a long time. This produces a resounding change, "said the doctor.

The campaign seeks to empower women and emphasize that with information and controls, this disease can be detected in time and overcome. Then, in advanced cases, taking the reins of treatment and having a containment network will help the woman cope with this challenge in the best way possible.

For the Dr. Lainati, looking good is a right: "A woman who has a hard time living, but who also has lost a breast, really feels that she loses parts of her body, loses energy and vitality , it's too much "and added:" Many times this concerns the personal image with frivolity, but in reality the human being has the right to harmony, to the perception of the beauty. Our image contributes to giving us the security necessary for the full development of our social and union activity, in order to create links with our partner and our children. It's a right that needs to be affirmed, "he concludes.


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