Brexit: Boris Johnson's brother resigned for "unresolved tensions"


The younger brother of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation as secretary of state and deputy alleging a conflict between his "family loyalty" and "national interest".

"In recent weeks, I was divided between family loyalty and national interest – it's an insoluble tension and time for others to perform my duties," Jo Johnson announced on Twitter.

The State Secretary for Science and the Executive Universities of his brother, Jo Johnson, 47, had already resigned from Theresa May's government in November 2018. He stated that the government has not been able to do so. agreement that was being finalized "would be a terrible mistake" for the country and asked to hold a second referendum in the hope of revoking the Brexit.

Jo Johnson, 47, has resigned from his position as State Secretary for Science and Universities. Source: (REUTERS / Hannah McKay)
Jo Johnson, 47, has resigned from his position as State Secretary for Science and Universities. Source: (REUTERS / Hannah McKay)

This is not the first time that tensions on the British exit from the European Union are felt within the Johnson family.

Journalist Rachel Johnson, the controversial Prime Minister's sister, has been nominated as a candidate for the British pro-European party Change in the European elections at Eurochamber last May, although she was not elected .

Rachel Johnson, 54, was a member of the Conservative Party as her brothers until 2011. But in the 2017 general election, she supported Liberal Democratic centrists to defend with them. the permanence of the United Kingdom in the European Union.

In the opposite field, 55-year-old Boris Johnson was one of the big figures in the probrexit campaign ahead of the 2016 referendum. In July, he took over from then-premier Theresa May, who became Great rival the boss negotiated a too sweet divorce with Brussels.

The Johnson family divided by Brexit. Source: Stefan Rousseau / Pool via REUTERS
The Johnson family divided by Brexit. Source: Stefan Rousseau / Pool via REUTERS

Stanley Johnson, 79, the father of this family of six, worked at the European Commission from 1973 to 1979 and was then a member of the British Conservative Party until 1984.

During these years, the Johnson brothers study at the European School in Brussels. Stanley Johnson voted against Brexit in the 2016 referendum, but a year later he said he was in favor of leaving the EU, citing in part the attitude of the President of the European Commission , Jean-Claude Juncker.


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