Brexit: EU members propose in UK to postpone leaving bloc until 31 October


Brexit: EU members propose UK postponement of October 31 bloc | MDZ online

Theresa May has asked the EU to extend the Brexit deadline until June 30th.

The 27 members of the European Union on Wednesday offered the UK to postpone the Brexit to 31 October.

This was confirmed by diplomatic sources after the emergency summit which was held in Brussels on Wednesday and attended by British Prime Minister Theresa May.

The United Kingdom's departure date from the community bloc was scheduled for Friday, 12 April, after the deadline originally set for 29 March, which was not respected.

The EU decision responds to Premier Theresa May's request to extend the deadline for her departure until June 30th.

May pleaded for a Brexit delay after the British parliament repeatedly rejected the exit agreement it had reached with the EU.

London must now weigh the extension agreed by the EU members.


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