Brexit: keys, doubts and questions about the worst British nightmare – 20/03/2019


As of Wednesday, there are 10 days left for the British divorce from the European Union and everything seems to be heading for an abyss. The subject is of a unique gravity. There is no precedent for a country that is causing such deep damage and no ability to control the crisis.

* The suicidal economic characteristics of the process promoted by a far-right political minority and the difficulties in advancing it, precisely because of the weight of these costs, led the Prime Minister, Theresa May, to Do not handle this challenge and end up unthinkably in front of the EU leaders.

* The president had drawn up an exit agreement with Brussels in order to avoid the catastrophic consequences of a radical break. But did not get parliamentary support because this pact was a weakened version of Brexit, according to the hardest rupturists, and that it kept the country attached to the common market but cut off the political powers of London, according to those who had rejected the exit.

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* This also generates difficulties the situation of the two ireland, which maintain a soft border which maintains excellent relations with the peace agreements concluded in this region. But if there is a break with the EU, the border will become difficult and the Irish they will not be able to cross it freely as they have done until now. The alternative of a temporary plan for this generated more doubts than the certainties that plotted with his approval.

* The agreement was voted twice in Parliament, which rejected with overwhelming levels. May tried to review it again, but the Speaker of the House refused to validate the maneuver. And he demanded that his plan include substantial changes to validate this third attempt.

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* The request for extension of the exit proposed by May in Brussels, to pretend that A change of date would imply a substantial addition to the agreement, which would allow a third vote.

* The Prime Minister proposed that the country leave the community on June 30 and not on March 29. But yesterday, Brussels came back to jaquearla. The leaders of the 27 said yes, but with the inevitable condition that Parliament vote the controversial agreement. It is a difficult goal because of the enormous political and social crisis generated by this nightmare.

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* The possibility of another referendum, or the record of the issue, has also been buried for the moment. The activists of the exit they would not accept it.

* There is another problem. The European parliamentary elections take place in the second half of May. If the Kingdom stays in the EU until June 30 I should participate in these elections and choose his almost one hundred representatives. May refuses that, but Brussels reminds him that not doing it would be a violation of the regulations which would lead to a steep automatic exit from Britain from the EU. That is to say that there are almost no exits.

* The reality is very difficult with these games. The Bank of England argued that if the Kingdom leaves the EU abruptly and without a pact that would determine the divorce, your economy will collapse by 10% on average, with the blow to the citizens' income. At the same time, a migration of companies and banking headquarters to the mainland will be triggered to avoid losing 46 years, nothing less, financial and commercial agreements that should be rewritten after the divorce.


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