Brexit: London has reached a crucial step to leave the European Union


The announcement was made public when Boris Johnson prepares to travel to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel Wednesday and with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, Thursday in Paris.

The choice of the repeal day is not random, because it is the one announced for the Brexit, which has already been postponed twice. This is also the deadline on which Johnson pointed out that his country will leave the EU, with or without an exit agreement.

"This is a clear signal for the citizens of this country: We will leave the EU as promised on October 31, whatever the circumstances, "said the minister responsible for BrexitSteve Barclay, in a statement.

But the decision is foremost symbolic, according to Maddy Thimont Jack, of the political badysis center "Institute for Government" since it is a formal procedure that "can be carried out at the last minute".

"We already knew that the text (called the European Communities Act of 1972) was going to be repealed, but we did not know on what date it was a political symbol," the badyst told the president. AFP.

Johnson wants to put pressure on the EU to get a new deal by shaking the looming looming threat of a Brexit without agreement, while Brussels refuses to reopen negotiations.

The announcement of the repeal was made – in addition – after the publication, this Sunday, of a letter in which more than 100 parliamentarians are asking Johnson to immediately call the company. Legislative Assembly, currently on vacation, for an uninterrupted session until October 31st.


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