Brexit Party moves Johnson away from the EU


he Brexit partyfrom the eccentric Nigel Farage, play all or nothing for the UK to leave the European Union (EU), with or without agreement. Therefore, his boss claimed to be part of the Boris Johnson government negotiations with Brussels and threatened that, if the Prime Minister did not fulfill his promise to finalize the break on October 31, the results of the European elections would be repeated, where his party earned with 30.74% of the votes and won 29 seats in the European Parliament.

Farage urged last week to Boris Johnson materialize the divorce with the EU. Paradoxically, the survival of their group is linked to the permanence of the country in the community bloc. "If there is a Brexit without agreement, the Brexit party is running out of arguments and may tend to disappear; if there is no exit from the European Union, it will probably increase its electoral flow, "he said. PROFILE Ezequiel González Ocantos, Professor of International Relations at Oxford University.

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Daniel Ozarow, sociologist and researcher at Middlebad University, author of the book Mobilization and demobilization of the middle clbad in the rebellion: Argentina in a comparative perspectiveHe said: "If the UK stays in the European Union, its message will remain very valid. Otherwise, unless the party becomes, even by changing its name, one of the only ones to be able to arm other contracts beyond Brexit; and if Nigel Farage resigns from his leadership position, as he has done twice with his previous group, the party disappears. "

According to a YouGov poll published on July 28 the Brexit party would reach 13% of voting intentions there were general elections today, ranking fourth behind the Conservatives, which would represent 31%, Labor with 21% and Liberal Democrats with 20%.

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The European Union has already announced that will not renegotiate the withdrawal agreement reached with Theresa May. "The three alternatives at the moment are that there is an agreement with the EU, which seems unlikely; that the May agreement be debated again in the British Parliament with very minor amendments and that it be approved, as most parliamentarians fear the holding of a Brexit without agreement; or that a general election or another referendum be called, "Ozarow explained.

Johnson has repeatedly said that the agreement negotiated in May and in Brussels is "unacceptable". The main problem is the "backstop", a solution to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland after the Brexit, which would somehow leave this region "trapped" in the community bloc.

Farage played hard in the last hours and said that he would be ready to an electoral pact with the conservative party if Boris Johnson called early elections. "Given this uncertainty, the Prime Minister may call elections to avoid a catastrophe in the Conservative Party and to try to reach a majority that will allow him to get out, even in alliance with the Brexit party. which would be difficult but difficult. not impossible, "concluded Ocantos.


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