Brexit, populism and Trump: the world order under the garrotte – 22/02/2019


ROME SENT Between next week and the end of next month, before the date set for the March 29th snap, the Brexit destination will be defined. These are the last two chapters of the British European Union divorce, a process that illustrates how crazy the story is. The importance of this event exceeds the dimension of a purely British soap opera. On the contrary, it does not symbolize like almost any other case, with the current US presidency, the fragility of the moment that humanity lives and the culmination of the global order we have been accustomed to for decades.

The return of nationalism and borders to the acute levels expressed in this episode gives the illusion of a cosmopolitan space where a Greek and a Frenchman are worth the same, as suggested by the German idealistic sociologist Ulrich Beck. More concretely, this tendency to insularity involves the basic education of Jean Monnet, founder of continental integration alongside Alcide de Gasperi, Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman. This French, the first president of the original community of coal and steel, just after the end of the Second World War, had warned that "there will be no peace in Europe if states are rebuilt on the basis of national sovereignty … ". A message that goes beyond the continent itself about embodied ghosts seventy years after its formulation.

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It is true that surveillance it will not be free for the kingdom for the economic cost that will produce the mbad exodus of companies and banks from the city of London. This discovery has soothed for the moment the rupturistic enthusiasms of other ultranationalist rebel partners such as the Italian case. Whatever its conclusion, whether it is suspended on time or the final slam is given, this step will not be isolated. In the May European parliamentary elections, the Social Democrats and the conservative right are on the way to defeating or reducing their power on the part of this new legion of chauvinists. If this is true, the thought of populist leaders such as Matteo Salvini or Marinne Le Pen will ensure more influential positions in the European Parliament and in the EU leadership. From this bag also come the British leaders who motivated the divorce initiative with the broad intention of fanning out European unity, a destination that also seduces President Donald Trump, an active participant in the Brexit campaign. It is not difficult to imagine the change that continental leaders will undergo if these forces are imposed in the future direction of Brussels. Nor the kind of treatment this tribe would give to a conflict like the one London has produced.


The universal appearance that should be given to these questions helps to understand other behaviors and how they intersect. more distant realities. The intense militancy of the North American president for his wall on the border with Mexico is a consistent sign of the coming or coming global design. Last Monday, in a speech in Florida, the White House president used the crisis with Venezuela, which became another of his karmas, to demonize socialism and social democracy, claiming that it was not the same. It's about Chavez and Nicolás. Mature The message of the strong electoral stamp seeks to completely polarize the country. Any contrary opinion is presumed to be this hell and therefore aims to tie the hands of his opponents. But it is a complicated architecture. It is fair to ask what there may be socialism today in Venezuela and even less in Nicaragua, which he also referred to, where censorship, persecution and the repression of dissent and the Alternative thinking is practiced with methods that dictatorships of the seventies would claim patent rights. .

There was, however, an interesting line in this speech in which Trump denounced the fact that "socialism, by nature, does not respect borders". The vision of Monnet and his partners, on the other hand, maintained in the post – war legacy, posited the urgency of building a solidary economy as the basis of a political economy. ;integration. Monnet – and his three founding partners in this space – was not a socialist, but an entrepreneur who understood the complex need for inclusion to erect a truly solid and transnational destiny. It was essentially modern.

Trump has additional interests behind his speech, including the resumption of leadership on the region seeking to cancel the national processes that have escalated, but have facilitated the penetration of Russia or China into their area of ​​influence. The case of Caracas, Managua and also Havana. Washington's vision is reaffirmed in Cold War and even more distant conceptions. On Saturday, as the Venezuelan dissident tried to break Chavez's siege against American aid, the pretext could be invoked for an intervention that would revive Teddy Roosevelt's big stick who had disciplined the region with firearms in the early days. of the last century.


Let's go back to Brexit. The final date of this divorce will be known before March 29 It is the agreed day for the island to release the economic and political ties that have bound it for decades to the continent. The big moment of the end will be on March 21, eight days before, when European leaders decide whether to change the agreements negotiated with Prime Minister Theresa May, particularly the controversial border of the two Irish. Before that, there will be another crucial meeting next week. The EU is asking for parliamentary support for the exit plan, a goal that the president has not achieved. His chess sets have used his power and have also strengthened the prestige of the Labor Party, engaged in a minor and opportunistic fight to reach the government on this rubble. On Tuesday or next Wednesday, the head of the government will try again to try the move with the actions of European leaders who do not accept the changes made to the initial plan, even if they show signs of flexibility.

As if that did not work, May has transcended what, for many scholars, will be the fate of all this scribbling. Olly Robbins, chief government negotiator for the Brexit, said in a hotel bar that there was no substitute vote, May would pull out the document that he had always refused and postponed the postponement by disabling Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty that London invoked. when the divorce process started. A "coincidence" has caused an ITV News reporter to broadcast comments from the head of the world. The trick, though, can be a lot more than that. A gesture of realism a second before the abyss. A few days ago, the British press reported that a Ford Motors officer had spoken to May at a private meeting with other businessmen. The firm warned that it would increase its two floors in the kingdom if there was no negotiated solution to this tragedy.

The spokesman for the automobile has not only denied the version, he also described as "catastrophic for the British auto industry" a radical break with the EU. This is not the only business or the only sector with this concern. But it's worth noting that a leading American company run these events. The scene because of its stupidity or perhaps because of its contradictions. By the way, there have been no Trump tweets clarifying the criticisms against the Brexit of a flagship company of US economic power. Only silence. Understand himself.


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