Brexit: The British are upset and fear leaving the European Union – 13/03/2019


The uncertainty over an unknown future adds an intolerable sense of humiliation to his kingdom and overwhelming chaos. The British who support or reject the Brexit They looked with astonishment at a voiceless Prime Minister to defend a project that was rejected, with a historic record, in the House of Commons. With his voice, the certainty of knowing how this institutional, legal and geopolitical crisis will affect your daily life, their right to organize predictable holidays or to travel without fear of coming back and not having the right to be resident of the country because they are foreigners.

On Parliament Square, the parliamentary heart of the kingdom in London, both manifested in the middle of storm Gareth, with a wind of 90 km / h. Neither cold nor bad weather stops them.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

At a retired carnival, everyone has their poster: "Do not agree, no problem"said one of them, who advocates leaving the European Union now. "It's a democracy, I want my country to be out of control, the EU is neither democratic nor corrupt," said Mike King in the middle of the square. He organizes the picket for tomorrow: "The big day.When the extension of Article 50 is voted, Europe does not wish it."

Wrapped in European flags, caps and blue feathers, the Europeans to stay European defend their position: "The best deal is to stay," they claim in front of dozens of cameras in the world. They are younger than the Brexiters. They are the ones who can decide on a second referendum because they did not vote in the previous one.

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Britain lives today in limbo. He does not know if he is going to stay in the European Union, whether he will give him more time to continue debating the agreement, whether or not he has participated in the European elections.

Beyond being Brexiters or Rest, what the British want in another chaotic day, it's the certainty of being able to return to normal life, predictability and that the country forgets the Brexit crack to discuss what really worries them. More schools, how will they finance the health system that, ruined by Eurosceptic immigrants, has strengthened the Brexit imposed by the referendum. Or find their harmony at the table of families, divided today by those who are in favor or against the maintenance in the European Union, to the point of dividing families.

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To get out of the paralysis caused by Brexit is the ambition of both.

Doris walks slowly with her orthopedic cane to Tesco, the supermarket near her home in Earl Court. "All I want is Theresa May leaves! We're fed up! It's a waste of time! At this point, talk about Brexit or not, Brexit has no She has destroyed this country, she has not been able to negotiate, you have to go, "he asks.

This former nurse from the NHS, the British health service, voted in the Brexit referendum but is only interested in peace-building in Britain today. I live thanks to food banks because my pension is ridiculous, "he says.

Many foreigners plan to leave London. Noel Smart

Many foreigners plan to leave London. Noel Smart

Like her, many have changed their minds about Brexit, overwhelmed by a split that has left Britain divided, politicians struggling to find a way to reach an agreement that is not a tough Brexit.

From the newspaper cover The weather and under the title "Drive to despair", the shocking picture of Theresa May with tears in her car after the vote. Like when former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was ejected from power.

For the British, the worst is the uncertainty, the lack of certainty about their daily routine. Your Easter holidays have been canceled because they do not know what they need to travel in the European Union if there is no agreement or if your puppy can travel with them or not with their pbadport.

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Others also do not know if their travel insurance – which all Brits subscribe – will be valid if it does not agree. An American woman who lives 35 years ago with a Dutchman in London is reluctant to travel to Amsterdam because she fears losing her residency rights in the absence of an agreement. These are fears and not information. But they sum up how much the British had not intended during the referendum campaign and now had the slightest idea of ​​the complexity of the negotiations, the transitions it required, except for the slam that was voted Wednesday night for a non-agreement. Delete all rights.

It is not necessary that Chancellor of Finance, Philippe Hammond, warn the House of Commons that "a robust economy and dividends" are threatened by this cloud of uncertainty that is Brexit.

Noel Smart

Noel Smart

Chris, head of a London real estate company, has already noticed the decline in home sales, the thermometer of the British economy in a country of owners. Prices have been cut by 20% for those who are desperate to sell and only speculators buy.

"I think Brexit is an identity crisis in the kingdom, we've lost our freedom and everything is polarized, nobody believes in politicians, companies, in others, I think it goes back to the banking crisis of 2008 and that it has only grown, "says Chris.

Marie Lourdes, a French woman who will stay and work in the Oddbins wine shop, he believes that he had a sales decline of about 15 percent"People are consuming less because prices have risen unscrupulously, especially European products," he says.

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Another problem generated by this uncertainty is the lack of manpower. Six years ago, unemployment prevailed. Now, companies do not make people work. "Foreigners leave. They were our work force. Nobody knows what will happen to their lives and they prefer to leave. We have already lost the Poles, Latvians, Estonians, Romanians, who started to leave. We pay them 8 pounds of the hour but they go in the same direction. I have 8, I need 3 more and I can not get it, "admits Fernando, a Sri Lankan manager who does not feel threatened by Brexit.

The defeat of Theresa May in the press. Noel Smart

The defeat of Theresa May in the press. Noel Smart

"I was feeling fantastic, we are going to have a second referendum," exclaimed Mark, a convinced One, in front of a glbad of beer in a Court Field pub in West London. "Brexit is a xenophobic and hereditary British racism, it has taken out the worst of British society and wants to stay in. The horror of foreigners, immigrants, encouraged by the tabloids of The sun and The daily mail. They generated a fake monster and we are there. We must get out immediately. "

An opinion shared by Mary, a Hungarian who makes suitcases. "Brexit was born so that people like you and me can not live here.It is paranoia against foreigners stealing work," she said resignedly.


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