Brexit: The negotiation between Theresa May and the opposition has failed


British Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has ended negotiations with the government on Brexit without reaching an agreement, which implies another tough blow to the Prime Minister Theresa May and presumably the definitive failure of the pact.

In an open letter sent to May, the chief of the first party of opposition noted that it was useless to continue contacts with the "instability" in the ruling formation, which makes it difficult the conclusion of a pact.

The head of government and the left-wing politician started negotiations six weeks ago with the aim of reaching a Brexit treaty that could go beyond the parliamentary process, after the consensus reached in May with Brussels. rejected three times by the British House of Commons.

Talks between the two parties "have gone as far as possible, but we have not been able to overcome the important political differences between usadded Corbyn.

The Labor Party defends a Customs Union Standing with the EU, something that the government rejected because it considers that it would be impossible in the UK to negotiate trade agreements with third countries.

Referring to the internal cracks in the conservative party, indicates that "the position of the government has become increasingly unstable and his authority has eroded", which makes it difficult for the executive to reach a compromise agreement on the terms of the British withdrawal from the European Union (EU), said the EFE news agency.

The failure of negotiations between the parties is brought to light after the Prime Minister had decided yesterday to agree on a schedule for his resignation once members have the opportunity to vote for the fourth time the Brexit deal in the week of Monday, June 3rd.

The UK had planned to leave the EU on March 29, but delayed the disconnection until October 31st for the rejection of the agreement by Parliament.

Due to May's possible departure from power in the coming months, former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson admitted for the first time yesterday that he would run for the leadership of the Conservative Party, the United States. primary where, if elected, he would automatically be prime minister. .

The vote of the week of June 3 will coincide with the three-day state visit that US President Donald Trump will make to the UK, where he will be received by Queen Elizabeth II.


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