Bribe notebooks: CRF asks to investigate contractors by washing themselves


Claudio Bonadio, the judge of the notebooks has received the request from the FIU to open an investigation on employers by washing Source: archive

The confessions of many businessmen about the bribes paid during Kirchnerism guaranteed their freedom in the cause of

notebooks of bribes

but they could now bring you a new headache.

The Financial Information Unit (FIU) asked the judge

Claudio Bonadio

Investigate these money laundering cases after the detection of bank accounts abroad, which would have entered into fiscal sincerity for the purported purpose of laundering money from illicit activities.

The badumption made by the FIU, the complainant in the case of the notebooks, indicates that the businessmen financed the bribes paid to officials of the Kirchner government by overestimating the contracts with the state. This surplus would have been used for various purposes, such as campaign financing or the enrichment of the badets of the officials of the time and – according to the FIU – could also have been used for the personal accounts of employers who could have used these surcharges enrich yourself personally

The CRF has detected movements of foreign bank accounts belonging to the companies Aldo Roggio (Roggio Hnos), Hector Zabaleta (Techint), Carlos Wagner (Esuco), Enrique Pescarmona (Impsa), Juan Carlos De Goycoechea (Isolux) , Jorge Neira (Electroengineering)) and Claudio Glazman (Latin American Investment Company). These are bank accounts in


, United States, Uruguay and Luxembourg, according to the document to which he has subscribed

Consulted by
THE NATION, the lawyers for Roggio, Zabaleta, Pescarmona and De Goycochea said that they would not comment at the moment, at least until they were aware of the FIU resolution.

The organization asked Judge Bonadio to open a bribery case to investigate the money laundering of businessmen and asked for 68 people to be investigated. the officials of former Kirchner as a former minister

Julio De Vido

, entrepreneurs and other characters related to conspiracy notebooks bribes like exjuez

Norberto Oyarbide

and exchofer

Oscar Centeno

. They also demanded that he implement "urgently" the necessary mechanisms to immobilize these funds for possible confiscation. If a related case is created, judicial sources explained
THE NATIONthis would not delay one of the cases requested by the judge and the prosecutor of the case, the elevation of the trial.

Judge Bonadio already had on file information provided by both the FIU and the


goods abroad, which had even been part of money laundering. The UIF argues that the outsourcing of funds by employers over the years of Kirchnerism, which on several occasions resulted in money laundering, could be part of the strategy aimed at to launder badets derived from illicit activities such as overpricing of prices in public works.

Last year, the FIU provided Bonadio with financial intelligence reports indicating the existence of badets abroad on behalf of certain defendants or persons in his entourage. The agency has taken into account information received from AFIP related to money laundering and has established a list of financial products detected. As evidence of the case, information relating to the accused's income tax returns was incorporated and verified against the fact that many of them confessed to bribing agents of the accused. 'State.

With different arguments, these entrepreneurs had already confessed to making illegal payments. Judge Bonadio continued in September almost all the businessmen involved as members of the illicit badociation by which former Kirchnerism employees had raised funds that would have subsequently been used to finance the policy. .

The Federal Chamber upheld these lawsuits but benefited the businessmen by changing the ranking of the crime. Judges Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi considered that businessmen did not join the same unlawful badociation as the former employees and accused them of active bribery, a less painful offense. The FIU is now asking that many of the confessions be investigated for money laundering.


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