Bride got ripped off by famous designer who nearly ruined her wedding


A Twitter user revealed how the designer of her wedding dress had ripped her off. (Photo: Twitter / @pauarevalos).

What for some women is a moment of dreams, turned into a real nightmare for Paula Arevalos, a young woman who lives in Miami and has been ripped off by the designer of her wedding dress. In her twitter account, the girl decided to tell the story, to prevent this from happening to other people and thus raise awareness.

According to his story, it all started in August, when he contacted the Paraguayan designer based in Mexico. Fernando Preda, which he had always admired. The first red flag came a few months later, when Preda changed her plans: at first, the bride was going to take care of buying the fabrics in New York, but the designer told her that he would take care of everything.

The story went viral on Twitter. (Photo: Twitter / @pauarevalos).

And then came the question of price. “The total was $ 2,870, we agreed that I would pay it month by month until December. (For me that was a lot of money, especially because here in Miami you get a beautiful dress for 600 USD, but hey, this was going to be my dream dress designed for me and I already had my savings for it) The Twitter user said.

The young woman shared screenshots of her conversation with the designer. (Photo: Twitter / @pauarevalos).

In the coming months, the designer started asking her for advances of up to $ 800, told her the veil would be billed separately, and then increased it by $ 100. Between September and October, he sent her new sketches and promised that, since he had completed one of his shows, he would work full time to finish the drawing, which it would be ready for Christmas. Another remarkable fact is that both they had agreed that the dress would have whales on it.

The designer had confirmed that the dress would feature whales. (Photo: Twitter / @pauarevalos).

But 2020 was drawing to a close and the bride had yet to see a single photo of her dress. “I don’t get any news, I write to him again on January 25, more and more worried because he never showed up if I didn’t write to him. And by then I had already paid almost everything, only 20 dollars was missing and the veil that I asked him to leave for the last minute, “he wrote.

Like little, Preda began to change the delivery dates for the dress. He first promised he would be ready on February 20, then postponed it until March 10. But he also missed the agreed dates. During, He gave her all kinds of excuses, ranging from needing to see a photo of the shoes the bride would wear to speeding up the process to asking for the $ 20 that was still missing to make the payment.

Delivery of the dress was increasingly postponed (Photo: Twitter / @pauarevalos).

So another month passed and the bride still had no concrete news. Plus, the dress still didn’t have the whales it promised. In April, Paula gave him an ultimatum. On the 13th, one of her friends would go to Tulum and take the dress. But again, it all came to naught.

Like little, the designer kept adding costs: the clothes box, the taxi to transport it and extra hours of embroidery. Before handing it over, he told the bride that I couldn’t make the ring and that in exchange for that, he would send her another dress “as a gift.” Finally, Paula received the dress at the end of April, but the final design was far from what she expected.

The man was adding additional costs and not meeting the delivery deadlines. (Photo: Twitter / @pauarevalos).

On the one hand, It did not arrive in a box (which the bride had already paid for), but in a stained case. The dress too It was stained with ink, it was too big for him, and to make matters worse, he didn’t have a whale. At this point, the bride wanted to forget about him and focus on her marriage, which luckily had a happy ending. “Two days before the wedding I went to a exit and I bought my dress for a lot less and it was perfect “, he counted.

The dress arrived in poor condition and in a stained sheath. (Photo: Twitter / @pauarevalos).

It accompanied the text with a photo of the dress he had bought two days before the wedding at a Miami boutique: model from Sweetheart neckline with thin straps and flared skirt. Twitter users shared their outrage and also praised her final look. Some have even been encouraged to share their own experiences with other scams.

Happy ending: the bride got a cheaper dress at a point of sale. (Photo: Twitter / @pauarevalos).

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