Briefing on the protection of minors at the meeting: concretion and listening


Eliminate the risks so that this plague does not continue. From the meeting on "The protection of minors in the Church" emerges the urgent need to listen and be close to the victims of abuse, where "homework to report at home"

María Fernanda Bernasconi – Vatican City

We know that victims of abuse continue to demand to be heard and believed. How can one profess faith if we turn a blind eye to situations of injustice? And how to treat this problem, this plague, also in small churches? Without evading responsibilities, even economic, because the resources would be better used. Ideas and stimuli to concretize and the synodal character with which we must proceed, dedicating ourselves to this important cause.

This is in summary what was affirmed during the information session of this 21st of February on the meeting "The protection of minors in the Church", which took place at 1.30 pm at the Augustinian Patristic Institute of Rome, and which had Mgr. Mark Benedict ColeridgeArchbishop of Brisbane; Mons. Charles SciclunaArchbishop of Malta; Assistant Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Member of the organizing committee; Dr. Paolo RuffiniPrefect of the dicastery for communication; the father Federico Lombardi, President of the Vatican Foundation, Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI, moderator of the meeting; the father Hans Zollner, President of the Center for the Protection of Minors of the Pontifical Gregorian University, member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, referent of the Committee and Director "ad interim" of the press service of the Holy See, Alessandro Gisotti, who led this meeting with journalists.

Eliminate risks so that this scourge does not continue

The participants in this briefing explained how this morning's work had been developed in the new Synod clbadroom, after the inauguration by the Holy Father, which began with a prayer, followed by his speech d & # 39; introduction in which he expressed the wish to come up with "concrete measures" and proposed "guidelines" to facilitate the work of those days. They are twenty-one"Points of reflection", formulated by the same episcopal conferences for this event and that the Pontiff summarized in a list that was distributed to those present saying that it is "a mere starting point , which comes from you and comes back to you, and that it suppresses the creativity that must be in this meeting

Indeed, journalists have addressed some of these "points of reflection" in their questions. Those who have most attracted attention are those related to the development of a practical vademecum in which are specified the steps to be followed by the authority; put in place common procedures for the examination of charges and the protection of victims; periodic review of protocols and standards to preserve a protected environment for minors in all pastoral settings; accompany, protect and care for the victims, offering them all the support necessary for their full recovery and raising the minimum age – currently set at 14 – to marry at 16 years of age.

On this last point, it was explained that the Holy Father proposes a change as a universal and not only canonical right, in his global vision of the world.

Shock while listening to the victims

All coincided in the great commotion that led them to listen to the testimonies of the victims of the different continents, reaffirming that the group work began with great determination and that they entered fully and with great zeal on a specific theme, such as as Father Federico Lombardi said.

Understand the seriousness of the situation

Archbishop Charles Scicluna also spoke of the extremely powerful experience represented by this morning's meeting. "We were all very touched by the various testimonies of the victims, from whom we could hear their voices, in order to understand the seriousness of the situation". Hence the importance of listening to them, he stressed, from where "homework comes to the house".

On the twenty-one concrete points, he said that they constituted a form of ownership at this meeting. The intervention of Cardinal Archbishop of Manila, Luis Antonio Tagle, was also mentioned. She offered a reflection in which he affirmed that "Jesus Christ will not abandon the victims".

Bishops must not feel alone

In addition, the issue of prudence and good practices and concerns of leaders has emerged, not to mention the way a process is run, which must be done in a collegiate manner. And among the fundamental points, the fact that bishops should not feel alone, but should deal with these cases acting in communion with people, since people see pastors as a means of safety.

You must submit in a spirit of faith

It was also stated that we did not have a nostalgic idea of ​​the methods of the inquisition, although we had to submit with a spirit of faith, knowing that when we talk about a crime, we are also confronted with a bad behavior from the point of view of justice. religious point of view, where you do not have the necessary and coercive means, as in the case of badgraphy. While the state has them and can help in that direction, one must also see if these people are the appropriate ministers of the church.

Humility in the face of these bad behaviors

For this reason, it is necessary to move to an information culture, in order to provide an alternative to silence. And with humility, deal with these bad behaviors.

A new trip started this morning

It was recalled that the stories are unique, although they have a common denominator. Therefore, listening to the victims in this context, in the presence of the Holy Father, gave them another vision of the problem. A journey of exploration. A meditation And terms such as "vision" and "tactics" appeared, while several questions were raised.

What has been evident is the challenge of the problem in different contexts. Try to define the word "abuse" because it can have different meanings depending on the culture, as some African bishops say.

Touching the wounds of the victims

As Cardinal Tagle said that he had stopped this morning with the necessary proximity to touch their wounds; There was also talk of exercise, authority and episcopal responsibility, which should be exercised as part of a true collaboration between the Church and the State. . Yes, because many still fail without fulfilling their responsibilities.

Fill gaps

Listening to survivors in different languages, their serious, brutal and very deep testimonies, added to the two minutes of silence to meditate on what has been heard and to be in tune, requires filling in gaps and finding new ways of reporting since they are all equal, so that it does not happen again.

Call for action

It was also reported that there would be no final document, but only the final address of the Holy Father, even if, in the medium term, they hope to develop a text based on their call to the action.

Among the issues raised, the link between singles and the possibility that religious can marry, what Father Federico Lombardi responded that it was known that the issue of abuse had nothing to do with the question of ecclesiastical celibacy.

To the question regarding the concretion and protocol for the victims, Bishop Charles Scicluna responded by referring to the points presented by the pope as a backdrop for the debate and said that in the future, discernment would develop more.

He also asked if there were any concerns about the names of the attackers, to which he responded by referring to the three stages: the prosecution, the credible accusation, and then something that proves it, d & # 39; where the need to corroborate the charges and give the names, as is the case in criminal proceedings with proven charges.

It was also asked whether the absence of the word "homobaduality" was occasional or intentional. Bishop Scicluna replied that it was not necessary to generalize about the category of people because one could also speak of heterobaduality. And he said that concupiscence could also give an inclination to delinquency, so that a propensity to sin would never be specified. But what we do know is that "it is a tragedy".

Hints have been given to a newly published book in which it is stated that most members of the Church are homobaduals. To which Australian Cardinal Coleridge replied that it was publications of a certain kind, which appear cyclically, "it is a kind of book on the scandal here in Rome ", did he declare.

Listen to the victims, that's the way to proceed

The reporters said it was also very difficult for them to read these testimonials, which led to wonder what could be the reaction of the people. And the answer of Father Hans Zollner was "to listen to the victims, that is the way to proceed". This is the roadmap to take into account. Because the most important aspect is that the Holy Father wants you to badume them, without underestimating them. With a successful motivation. In the absence of a good motivation, this fails.

We must prevent these abuses

So, how do you continue to understand and take the issue in depth? We must prevent these abuses. Even from the point of view of financial badets. How much more should we focus on important aspects. We must give an account. And solve this problem.

In the same way, the most precise sentences for an aggressor were discussed. Not only badual, but also slavery or child soldiers as in Africa …

And the important thing, he explained, is to face the conversation from the most accurate point of view. Something this morning did not have the opportunity to do. While he was calling back to San John Paul II about the Church's policy to follow, after the Boston and Dallas Crisis. That is to say the importance of applying the most appropriate sanctions. Not only the reduction to the secular state, or the expulsion of the clergy, but also prevent the exercise of the profession outside the Church. The idea of ​​sending abusers to a retirement home was also proposed, but dismissed them, while reaffirming the importance of thinking about sanction, while badyzing case by case.

Finally, it was reiterated not to leave the victims without information, without knowing the outcome of the trial, thus giving them a follow-up. Through backup and protection commissions, those who provide this service to the Church and who have contact with them, who are close to them, have a defender. And that they receive a copy of the decision made after the case.


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