Britain fines coronavirus denial for posting photos of ’empty’ hospitals


Even if it’s him coronavirus caused over 90 million infections and about two million dead All over the world there are still those who claim that the pandemic does not exist and that it is in fact a large-scale plan to control the population. One of those people is the British Hannah dean, who was recently fined for posting photos of allegedly empty hospitals to prove the state’s “conspiracy”.

“I wanted to confirm things to myself and, considering that we are living a pandemic, I was waiting for visual confirmation, ”the independent journalist explained on Facebook. To this end, he began to visit various hospitals near his home and collect “evidence” to denounce the government.

In one of his articles, Dean attached pictures of the interior of the Queen Alexandra Hospital, in Portsmouth, England, and wrote: “There are empty beds everywhere, which in no way tells me “pandemic”. I have been to this hospital many times in my life and have never seen it so empty. But don’t believe me if you don’t want to, check it out for yourself ”.

According to local media, the photos posted by the woman correspond to corridors and “random” areas of the health center, which They are not intended to treat patients with COVID-19. However, she used them to boast that the institution did not have the level of occupation reported by the media and the authorities.

“I know it’s hard to take but the government is not lying. And the reason they do it is really disturbing, ”Dean insisted in another of his posts.

The “evidence” collected by the British denier (Photo: Facebook / Hannah Dean).

However, the journalist’s prank had its consequences, and in the last hours it was learned that she had received a UK government fine of £ 200 – an amount greater than $ 20,000 – and that their actions will be investigated by the judge.

After the news broke, local authorities called on the population to ignore the woman’s claims no longer relax preventive measures, especially when the country has seen a high number of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations for weeks.

Just a week ago, the Executive Director of the UK’s National Health Service, Sir Simon Stevens, he warned at a press conference about deniers who say hospitals are empty.

“If you sneak into a health center at 9 p.m. and record an empty hallway and then post it on social media saying it ‘shows hospitals are empty,’ you are responsible for promoting a change in the behavior of the people who will kill them “, Outfit.

And he added: “It is also a insulting nurses who return home after 12 hours of work in intensive care, after having worked under the most demanding and difficult circumstances ”.


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