Britain seeks to prevent new wave of Covid by betting on vaccination | Boris Johnson’s announcement would not include strong restrictive measures


In front of the Winter which will start in the coming weeks across Europe, UK government to announce series of measures to prevent new wave of Covid-19, which will focus on vaccination and at the moment they would not include strict quarantines, like those that prevailed in 2020 and earlier this year.

Details of how Britain will handle the coming months of risk will be announced tomorrow by Prime Minister Boris JohnsonWhile he opposes quarantines, he doesn’t rule them out in case the infections continue.

Among the announcements, it is expected that the Prime Minister repeal part of the powers conferred by the so-called coronavirus law, including the powers of sectors close to the economy, such as business premises, or apply restrictions on events and meetings.

The powers he will retain will be those fundamental to protect the population, such as the sick pay those who isolate themselves from the first day instead of the seventh. Also, order on schools remain open if they close against government directives and help public hospitals to get emergency resources.

What measures will remain in force

As it happened, the legal requirements for a person to self-isolate if they are positive of the coronavirus, in order to protect the most vulnerable from infection and to control the spread of variants.

The possibility of reintroducing the use of chin straps and homework if circumstances require.

It has also been reported that travel restriction they will also be revised and simplified. In this context, the government yesterday abandoned its plan to impose a health passport be able to access nightclubs and other busy places.

The vaccines they will continue to be the first line of defense during the fall and winter months, supported by new treatments, testing and a leading variant monitoring system, Johnson said.

“I am determined to get rid of all the powers that we no longer need due to our vaccine defenses.”, assured the Prime Minister.

The key is to get vaccinated

As of September 9, almost 90% of the UK population aged 16 and over had already received a first dose of the coronavirus vaccine and more than 80 percent are fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, a further 56 people died from the coronavirus yesterday, bringing the UK total to 134,200 deaths.

However, UK government expects winter months to bring new challenges and coronavirus to circulate alongside influenza and other respiratory viruses, while the threat of a new variant remains.

Johnson reported that the Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunization (JCVI) has been asked to consider a vaccine booster program against Covid for the entire population.

Currently, vaccines for reinforcement is offered to the most vulnerable segments of the population, in health terms. The vaccine booster program is also expected to start this month and a decision will be made on immunizing children aged 12 to 15.

“It’s a small step to protect yourself and others”, underlined the Prime Minister.


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