British MPs have asked for the extradition of Julian Assange to Sweden and not to the United States.


More than 70 MPs from different British parties delivered a letter to the Interior Minister, Sajid Javid, so that give priority to any extradition process to Sweden linked to rape charges against Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, before the US demands, who also requested the handover.

The letter states that "we do not presume guilt, of course, but we feel that due process must be followed and that the (Swedish) claim must be dealt with in the first place".

The founder of Wikileaks entered the Ecuadorian embbady in London in 20012 to avoid his extradition to Sweden and has always claimed his innocence. One of the two reasons for the extradition request is already extinguished, but the other is only valid until August, 2020, date on which it would be prescribed if a legal proceeding is not opened.

The UK prosecutor's office made it clear that given the existence of two extradition requests from different countries and concerning the same person, it is the minister of the interior who decides which one applies taking into account the seriousness of the crimes, the date of the motions and the places where the crimes were committed.

This situation is more relevant than ever since on April 11, the Ecuadorian government withdrew its protection to Assange and was arrested by the British authorities and immediately sentenced for violating the conditions of their parole.

Julian Assange was arrested Thursday at the Embbady of Ecuador in London. Photo: DPA.
Julian Assange was arrested Thursday at the Embbady of Ecuador in London. Photo: DPA.

However, after the arrest, the British government only mentioned that the US extradition request related to his activities as a activist and founder of Wikileaks, which has led to the arrest of the United States. alarm and highlighted the alleged badual crime of which he is accused in Sweden. .

Elisabeth Mbadi Fritz, the Swedish lawyer who denounced Assange, said that she was surprised at the detention of Assange and urged the Swedish police to: reopen the investigation.

In addition, Assange's lawyers explained that the United States had a period of 65 days to present a specific list of charges that could broaden the list of crimes that would be charged to them. . They argued that the possible extradition implied "a dangerous precedent by which any journalist can be accused in the United States of having published truthful information about the United States, "said lawyer Jennifer Robinson.

The Labor opposition leader, Jeremy Corbyn, also asked that Assange not be extradited to the United States: "The British government should oppose Julian Assange's extradition in the United States for revealing evidence of atrocities committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. "

The British government should oppose the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States for revealing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and

– Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) April 11, 2019

A court said Assange guilty Thursday not having been brought to justice Seven years ago, when I had to answer for some bad crimes allegedly committed in Sweden.

At the same time, the journalist will have to appear again on May 2 before the Westminster Magistrates Court (London), by videoconference from prison, to begin the process of extradition to the United States, who wants to interrogate him for conspiracy. with Chelsea Manning, the American soldier who leaked confidential diplomatic cables to the government of this country.


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