British Prime Minister Boris Johnson isolated again due to close contact with Covid


The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is in isolation for having been in close contact with a Covid case, as AFP reported. Johnson was already sick with the coronavirus and even had to be hospitalized due to the severity of the picture. Now he’s doing “fine,” they told the premier’s environment agency.

According to AFP, Johnson is “fine” and showing “no symptoms” of the disease, said the same source, who said he continues to work from Downing Street, “primarily to lead the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic “.

In recent weeks, the situation in the UK following Covid has been alarming. The second wave is out of control and Johnson has been forced to reimpose tough restrictions, which much of society disagrees with. England has overtaken 50 thousand deaths from the virus.

AFP also reported that there are record cases of coronavirus in Europe as part of this second wave. The continent has nearly 335,000 deaths and more than 14.4 million infections. This is the region where the virus is progressing the fastest. To put an end to it, the authorities keep imposing new restrictions and preparing the populations for a situation which could be long.

In Germany, where partial containment has been in force for two weeks, the Minister of the Economy, Peter Altmaier, warned this Sunday, November 15 that the restrictions could last at least four or five months longer.

Since the closure of bars, restaurants, gyms and other places of entertainment in early November, the number of new daily infections has been falling but remains high, with a record of more than 23,000 new cases recorded on Friday. “We will have to live with considerable precautions and restrictions for at least the next four to five months,” Altmaier said.




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